Funcionamientos fértiles en la universidad, Beca 18 como oportunidad : estudio de caso en la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2014-2018
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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La universidad es un escenario de potenciación de capacidades, ya que habilita la realización
de diferentes logros individuales. Esta investigación busca, por un lado, comprobar
evaluativamente la realización de un conjunto de funcionamientos fértiles en un grupo de
estudiantes de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, beneficiarios del programa Beca
18 y, por otro lado, abrir la caja negra de una política de primer orden nacional desde el
mirador del desarrollo humano y con ello de forma indirecta evaluar el programa como una
oportunidad social. Para ello, se partió de las consideraciones teóricas sobre las Dimensiones
del Desarrollo Humano como espacios coexistentes de la vida y de los funcionamientos
fértiles como logros en cualquier área o dimensión de la vida que tiene efectos positivos en
cualquier otra área o dimensión de la vida. La operacionalización del proyecto se realizó en
cuatro pasos: 1) se seleccionaron cuatro (4) Dimensiones del Desarrollo Humano; 2) estas se
disgregaron en sendos funcionamientos fértiles; 3) estos se disgregaron en diez indicadores y
4) estos se tradujeron en una batería de cincuenta y una (51) preguntas, la cual constituyó a
su vez una guía de entrevista semiestructurada que fue aplicada a dieciséis (16) becarios. Los
resultados se organizaron mediante estadística descriptiva básica y se les otorgó una noción
de medida a través de la introducción de dos escalas: una cualitativa nominal y una
cuantitativa ordinal. Los principales hallazgos determinaron que las relaciones de amistad
son el funcionamiento más fértil y el bienestar básico fue el menos fértil. Se concluyó que
Beca 18 es una gran oportunidad social para aquellos que logran superar los desafíos de
ingresar y mantenerse en la universidad y, asimismo, que su naturaleza y algunos fallos en su
operación permiten cuestionar asuntos relativos a la justicia social y a la visión del desarrollo
del país.
Universities are scenarios of capability building, since it enables the realization of different individual achievements. This research seeks to check the performance of a set of fertile functionings in a group of students of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PCUP), beneficiaries of the Beca 18 Program. On the other hand, the black box of a policy of first national order from the point of view of human development is opened, so the Beca 18 Program is indirectly evaluated as a social opportunity. For this, the theoretical considerations on the Human Development Dimensions were taken as coexisting life space and the fertile functionings as achievements in any area of life dimension with positive effects in any other area of such dimension. The operationalization of the project was carried out in four steps: 1) four Human Development Dimensions were selected; 2) these were broken up into separate fertile functionings; 3) these were disaggregated into ten indicators, and 4) these were translated into a set of fifty-one (51) questions, which in turn constituted a semi-structured interview guide applied to sixteen (16) scholarship’ holders. The data was analysed by means of basic descriptive statistics and two scales: a qualitative nominal and an ordinal quantitative. Within the main results it is to highlight that friendship relations constitute the most fertile functioning and the basic welfare the least fertile. It was concluded that Beca 18 is a great social opportunity for those who manage to overcome the challenges of entering and staying in the PCUP. Additionally, the nature and some failures in the operation of that program allow to question issues related to social justice and the vision of the country development.
Universities are scenarios of capability building, since it enables the realization of different individual achievements. This research seeks to check the performance of a set of fertile functionings in a group of students of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PCUP), beneficiaries of the Beca 18 Program. On the other hand, the black box of a policy of first national order from the point of view of human development is opened, so the Beca 18 Program is indirectly evaluated as a social opportunity. For this, the theoretical considerations on the Human Development Dimensions were taken as coexisting life space and the fertile functionings as achievements in any area of life dimension with positive effects in any other area of such dimension. The operationalization of the project was carried out in four steps: 1) four Human Development Dimensions were selected; 2) these were broken up into separate fertile functionings; 3) these were disaggregated into ten indicators, and 4) these were translated into a set of fifty-one (51) questions, which in turn constituted a semi-structured interview guide applied to sixteen (16) scholarship’ holders. The data was analysed by means of basic descriptive statistics and two scales: a qualitative nominal and an ordinal quantitative. Within the main results it is to highlight that friendship relations constitute the most fertile functioning and the basic welfare the least fertile. It was concluded that Beca 18 is a great social opportunity for those who manage to overcome the challenges of entering and staying in the PCUP. Additionally, the nature and some failures in the operation of that program allow to question issues related to social justice and the vision of the country development.
Palabras clave
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Estudiantes universitarios--Becas--Perú, Investigaciones evaluativas (Programas de acción social)--Perú, Perú--Política social
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