Ingeniería Mecatrónica (Mag.)

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  • Ítem
    Analysis and implementation of active noise control strategies using Piezo and EAP actuators
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2015-06-09) Calderón Chavarri, Jesús Alan; Tafur Sotelo, Julio César; Sattel, Thomas
    Currently noise cancellation, which affects the lives of people and in the workplace is achieved through the active noise reduction. This measure is not expensive as passive or semi active measures also permits adequate air conduction in duct ventilation systems. The system control is achieved through a suitable location of the phase in the cancelling noise signal relative to the signal primary noise. Algorithms have been developed and strategies for active noise reduction and its implementation and experimental testing on duct ventilation. The actives elements used are Piezo Actuators and EAP as speakers; Individual and collective operation of the aforementioned actuators is examined. The work was evaluated as follows: Analysis of previous research on existing algorithms for active noise reduction. Study the strategies of simulation and implementation for active noise control algorithms designed.