Física (Dr.)

URI permanente para esta colecciónhttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14657/51300


Resultados de Búsqueda

Mostrando 1 - 3 de 3
  • Ítem
    Heavy neutrino production and decay at DUNE Near Detector
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-08-13) Carbajal Vigo, Saneli Alcides; Gago Medina, Alberto Martín
    En la presente tesis se estudia el potencial del DUNE Near Detector (DUNEND) para establecer límites a neutrinos pesados (HNL). Esto es realizado a través de un estudio de cómo los HNL afectan las tasas de producción y las distribuciones angulares de los neutrinos activos. Se demuestra que la producción de HNL en DUNE produce un déficit de eventos de corriente cargada (CC) en el Liquid Argon Time Proyection Chamber (LArTPC) de DUNEND y se utiliza esto para estimar la sensibilidad de DUNE a HNLs. Nuestro análisis revela que la sensibilidad depende fuertemente de las incertidumbres sistemáticas en las predicciones del flujo de neutrinos de DUNE. Asumiendo 10 años de operación (5 en modo neutrino y 5 en modo antineutrino) se obtienen los límites |Uμ4|2 < 9×10−3(4×10−2) y |Ue4|2 < 7×10−3(3×10−2) para masas por debajo de 10 MeV y una incertidumbre del 5%(20%) en la normalización de la predicción de los eventos de corriente cargada de neutrinos. Estos límites son mejores que aquellos que pueden ser alcanzados por las búsquedas directas en DUNE para masas por debajo de los 2(10) MeV. Para el caso de una incertidumbre conservadora del 20%, los límites obtenidos solo pueden mejorar los límites experimentales actuales en |Ue4|2 por un factor de 3 en una pequeña región alrededor de 5 eV y establecer límites en |Uμ4|2 en una región de masas libre de restricciones (40 eV - 1 MeV).
  • Ítem
    Impact of one loop corrections on light neutrino masses in the low scale susy seesaw
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-01-10) Suarez Navarro, Omar Giancarlo; Jones Perez, Joel
    This thesis covers the study of one-loop quantum corrections to the light neutrino masses. In the first part, we examine the extension of the standard model with right-handed neutrinos, where the Seesaw type I is present, allowing accessible masses for experimental searches. However, considering the corrections to the light neutrinos masses requires the pairs of heavy neutrinos to appear as pseudo Dirac particles, implying a suppression of the LNV parameters. In the second part, the supersymmetric contributions are analyzed in order to relax the lepton number violation (LNV) restrictions and achieve a greater difference between the heavy neutrino masses, as well as large mixings. When analyzing the destructive interference between the supersymmetric (which we describe as reducible and irreducible) and non-supersymmetric contributions, we found parameter regions where cancellations occur, however they are very small. So, the addition of SUSY does not guarantee the effect called screening, and the cases that are favorable need some degree of fine-tuning. In all cases, the numerical results of the analytical one-loop expressions calculated in the νRSM and νRMSSM models are checked with SPheno.
  • Ítem
    Testing new physics in long baseline neutrino oscillation experiments
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-01-10) Díaz Desposorio, Félix Napoleón; Gago Medina, Alberto Martín
    In this thesis, we focus on analyzing the different ways in which new physics scenarios, such as Violation of the Equivalence Principle (VEP) and Quantum Decoherence, can manifest themselves in the context of the neutrino oscillation phenomenon. Within the framework of the DUNE experiment, we examine several effects of the VEP, such as the possibility of getting a misconstructed neutrino oscillation parameter region provoked by our ignorance of VEP in nature, as well as the impact on the DUNE sensitivity for CPV and mass hierarchy. Additionally, we set limits for the different textures of the gravitational matrix and the diverse scenarios of energy dependencies associated with the Lorentz Violation. On the other hand, we demonstrate that the quantum decoherence phenomenon applied to the neutrino system leads us to fascinating phenomenological scenarios. One of the scenarios analyzed, within the context of quantum decoherence, is the one that breaks the fundamental CPT symmetry. For the latter, we identify what textures that include certain nondiagonal elements of the decoherence matrix are necessary. In this line, we propose a way to measure the CPT violation in the DUNE experiment using the muon neutrino and antineutrino channels for different energy dependencies. Another intriguing effect of considering the neutrino as an open quantum system is the possibility of discovering the neutrino nature by measuring the Majorana phase at the DUNE experiment achieving a competitive precision. As a consequence of the latter, we find that the crucial measurement of the CP violation phase (δCP), planned to be performed at the DUNE experiment, can be spoiled by the introduction of the decoherence and the Majorana phases in nature. Thus, a signature of a non-null Majorana phase is a sizable distortion in the measurement of the Dirac CP violation phase δCP at DUNE when compared with T2HK measurement. Subsequently, via simulation, we measured the Majorana phase for values of ϕ1/π = ±0.5 and decoherence parameter Γ = 4.5(5.5) × 10−24GeV, reaching a precision of 23 (21) %. This precision is consistent with the corresponding to the Dirac CP phase at T2K experiment.