Administración Estratégica de Empresas (Dr.)

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Mostrando 1 - 5 de 5
  • Ítem
    Dynamic Capabilities and Performance of Family Businesses in Emerging Economies
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-09-10) Rossignoli Cevallos, Gina Lorena; Guevara Sánchez, Daniel Eduardo
    Dynamic capabilities analyze the sources and methods of better performance and wealth creation and capture by firms operating in environments of rapid technological changes. Based on this, the objective of this research was to analyze the relationship between absorptive, adaptive, and innovation capabilities on financial and non-financial performance of family businesses was analyzed in the context of emerging economies, a relationship that has not been analyzed in this context. Through the application of structural equation modeling in a sample of 235 family businesses of agricultural supplies and machinery, located in the G46 and G47 categories of the International Standard Industrial Classification – ISIC, the results allowed us to identify that absorptive capability has a positive influence on financial performance, while innovation capability has a positive influence on no-financial performance. No evidence was found that other capabilities were related to the performance of the organizations analyzed. In addition, it was shown that the size of the companies does not generate any moderating effect in the relationship between these variables. This study contributes to dynamic capabilities theory by exploring how absorptive and innovative capabilities influence financial and non- financial performance in a specific and underexplored context: family businesses in emerging economies. Furthermore, the importance of developing and enhancing absorptive and innovation capabilities is highlighted. This could lead to the implementation of training programs, investment in R&D, and adoption of knowledge management practices.
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    Intellectual Capital and Financial Performance in Small Manufacturing Companies: The Moderating Effect of Managerial Ambidexterity
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-07-24) Ortiz Regalado, Oscar; Guevara Moncada, Rubén
    Intellectual capital is crucial for the development and sustainable success of small manufacturing enterprises in emerging economies, and it has gained considerable relevance in business management. Despite numerous studies on intellectual capital and financial performance, several questions remain unresolved, such as: What is the relationship between intellectual capital and financial performance in small businesses? and What effect does managerial ambidexterity have on the relationship between intellectual capital and financial performance in small businesses? These questions highlight the need to address existing knowledge gaps. This study determined the relationship of intellectual capital as a whole, as well as each of its dimensions, with the financial performance of small businesses. Additionally, it examined the moderating effect of managerial ambidexterity on the relationship between intellectual capital, both as a whole and in each of its dimensions, and the financial performance of small businesses. The research adopted a quantitative and cross- sectional approach, involving 506 owner-managers. The questionnaire used consisted of 46 questions, and the collected data were subjected to Cronbach's Alpha tests and an Exploratory Factor Analysis. Finally, the validity of the proposed model was verified through a Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling, using SPSS 27 and AMOS 24. The results indicate that intellectual capital, composed of human, structural, and relational capital, has a positive and significant relationship with financial performance. Furthermore, managerial ambidexterity was found to positively moderate this relationship, enhancing financial performance through the balance of exploitation and exploration activities. However, no significant moderating effect of ambidexterity was found on the relationship between human capital and financial performance.
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    Relationship between quality management practices, performance and maturity quality management, a contingency approach
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2020-08-03) Negrón Naldos, Luis Alfredo; Pino Jordan, Ricardo Miguel
    Quality management is a key element in organizations to improve operational performance, product quality and organizational performance, but despite extensive research, it is still necessary to determine which quality management practices are most important or can generate the greatest benefits in organizations. Likewise, evidence has been found which concludes that not all implementations of quality management systems generate positive effects, so it is necessary to introduce contingent variables in the studies that allow understanding the different situations and thus define which variables are more relevant according to the contingency studied. Sfreddo, Vieira, Vidor, and Santos (2018) and Sousa and Voss (2002) propose to include the variable of quality maturity level as a contingency variable in order to determine which quality management practices are more relevant according to their maturity level. In this study, a multidimensional study of quality management practices and their relationship to the operational performance of organizations was carried out, taking the quality management maturity level as a contingent variable. The result of the evaluation of the level of maturity as a contingency variable has demonstrated that the effects of benefits in the operative performance are presented in the levels of high maturity, in changes in the levels below these do not present a significant relation. It was also demonstrated in the study the importance of working in the QM practices infrastructure to allow the development of QM core practices since these are the ones that finally impact on the operational performance.
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    Influencia de la regulación, supervisión y propiedad en la calidad de servicio de las empresas de distribución eléctrica latinoamericanas en el periodo 2002-2007
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2012-11-19) Révolo Acevedo, Miguel Juan; Távara Martín, José
    El deterioro de la calidad del servicio de las empresas de distribución eléctrica en América Latina es un tema que se ha investigado debido a sus efectos en la sostenibilidad de la privatización. La calidad del servicio se ha identificado como el costo oculto de la privatización debido a que las políticas regulatorias en su diseño e implementación han descuidado el tema de la calidad del servicio. El objetivo de este estudio ha sido determinar la influencia de la regulación, supervisión y propiedad en la calidad del servicio suministrada por las empresas de distribución eléctrica latinoamericanas. Se ha utilizado el modelo de panel de datos para realizar el análisis debido a la necesidad de incorporar datos de sección transversal y longitudinal. Los resultados de esta investigación señalan que los esquemas de regulación, tipo de supervisión y tipo de propiedad tienen influencia en la calidad del servicio. Las conclusiones del estudio ayudarán a los reguladores y policymakers a implementar políticas para mejorar la calidad.
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    La relación entre el sector industrial y el tamaño de empresa con las prácticas de la calidad total y el desempeño organizacional
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2011-09-21) Pino Jordán, Ricardo Miguel; Alexander Servat, Alberto Guilllermo
    La gestión de la calidad total es un concepto que promueve la mejora en el desempeño operacional de las organizaciones, a través del uso de las prácticas de la calidad total. Los pioneros de este concepto, como Crosby, Deming, o Juran, propusieron que estas prácticas podían ser aplicadas en todo tipo de empresas. Las investigaciones empíricas han encontrado que algunos factores, como la cultura nacional, el sector industrial, y el tamaño de la organización, afectan la relación entre el uso de las prácticas de la calidad total y el desempeño organizacional. En la presente investigación cuantitativa, realizada en siete ciudades del Perú, se analizaron las prácticas de compromiso gerencial, enfoque en el cliente, administración de la calidad del proveedor, entrenamiento al trabajador, otorgamiento de poder al trabajador, involucramiento del trabajador, uso y análisis de la información, y diseño del producto; encontrándose que tienen una relación significativa con el desempeño operacional. Además, se encontró que la relación entre el uso de estas prácticas y el desempeño varía entre las empresas productoras de servicios y las productoras de bienes; así como entre las empresas pequeñas, medianas, y grandes. Se encontró también que las prácticas de otorgamiento de poder al trabajador e involucramiento del trabajador presentaron la menor correlación con el desempeño operacional, a diferencia de lo que se ha encontrado en países culturalmente distintos al Perú. Esto sugiere que la cultura nacional podría ser uno de los factores relacionados con la efectividad del uso de estas prácticas. No se conocen publicaciones académicas que hayan analizado a la vez la relación del sector industrial y el tamaño de la organización con la efectividad del uso de las prácticas de la calidad total, y en ello consiste la originalidad del presente estudio.