Administración Estratégica de Empresas (Dr.)

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    Intellectual Capital and Financial Performance in Small Manufacturing Companies: The Moderating Effect of Managerial Ambidexterity
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-07-24) Ortiz Regalado, Oscar; Guevara Moncada, Rubén
    Intellectual capital is crucial for the development and sustainable success of small manufacturing enterprises in emerging economies, and it has gained considerable relevance in business management. Despite numerous studies on intellectual capital and financial performance, several questions remain unresolved, such as: What is the relationship between intellectual capital and financial performance in small businesses? and What effect does managerial ambidexterity have on the relationship between intellectual capital and financial performance in small businesses? These questions highlight the need to address existing knowledge gaps. This study determined the relationship of intellectual capital as a whole, as well as each of its dimensions, with the financial performance of small businesses. Additionally, it examined the moderating effect of managerial ambidexterity on the relationship between intellectual capital, both as a whole and in each of its dimensions, and the financial performance of small businesses. The research adopted a quantitative and cross- sectional approach, involving 506 owner-managers. The questionnaire used consisted of 46 questions, and the collected data were subjected to Cronbach's Alpha tests and an Exploratory Factor Analysis. Finally, the validity of the proposed model was verified through a Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling, using SPSS 27 and AMOS 24. The results indicate that intellectual capital, composed of human, structural, and relational capital, has a positive and significant relationship with financial performance. Furthermore, managerial ambidexterity was found to positively moderate this relationship, enhancing financial performance through the balance of exploitation and exploration activities. However, no significant moderating effect of ambidexterity was found on the relationship between human capital and financial performance.
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    Gobierno corporativo: relación entre la dualidad CEO-Chairman y la eficacia del control del directorio
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2020-05-13) Freire Quintero, César Enrique; Guevara Moncada, Rubén
    El propósito de esta investigación fue analizar el gobierno corporativo desde la perspectiva de la dualidad CEO-Chairman y su relación con la eficacia del control del directorio. Esta relación se analizó a través de un enfoque cuantitativo de diseño no experimental, usando fuentes de datos primarias y secundarias. Se seleccionó una muestra de 347 empresas con ventas mayores a US$ 5’000,000, a las cuales se les suministró un cuestionario para medir la variable eficacia del control del directorio. Para medir la variable dualidad CEO-Chairman se hizo uso de información secundaria; así mismo, se realizó una verificación sobre el funcionamiento de la dualidad. Se encontró que la dualidad CEO-Chairman se relaciona de forma significativa con los constructos de la eficacia del control del Directorio reflejada como el desempeño de directorios independientes y la supervisión de riesgo. El resultado de la relación de dualidad CEO-Chairman y desempeño de directores independientes se muestra inverso, mientras que con la supervisión de riesgo este se vuelve directo. En conclusión, los resultados obtenidos aportan teóricamente al conocimiento respecto a las prácticas del buen gobierno corporativo.
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    Knowledge management and firm performance: the mediating effect of entrepreneurial orientation
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2020-05-07) Franco Ruiz, Camilo; Afcha Chávez, Sergio Moisés; Román Calderón, Juan Pablo
    Entrepreneurship in Latin-American is high compared to other regions. However, there is little innovation. (Lederman, Messina, Pienknagura, & Rigolini, 2014). Lumpkin and Dess (1996) highlighted that holding an Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) relays on possessing five dimensions that contribute to a Firm Performance (FP). Therefore, a question arises about to what extent firms from emerging markets, such as Colombian companies, possess this orientation and to what extent EO has presented a positive relationship on their FP. In addition, to what extent these firms that implemented Knowledge Management (KM) practices have seen the EO-FP relationship influenced. Few studies are found that reflect the reality of firms from Latin-American markets in this context (Chen, Saarenketo, & Puumalainen, 2016; Martin & Javalgi, 2016) A quantitative, cross-sectional and correlational research was conducted in a sample of Medellin companies. This research found that there is a positive significant relationship between KM and FP on Colombian companies, although this relationship is fully mediated by EO. This should encourage managers from emerging economies to implement KM practices that have a positive effect on their Sales Growth. However, these practices ought be accompanied simultaneously with the promotion of EO. EO must be identified as a “strategic dimension” that companies recurrently present in a given period of time (J. G. Covin & Slevin, 1991). Also, EO does not remain constant over time; companies that possess it may show phases of high EO and low EO, based on their strategic reactions to environmental conditions (Wales, Monsen, & McKelvie, 2011). As KM practices influence positively firm innovation performance (Alegre, Sengupta, & Lapiedra, 2011), companies can expect better innovation performance when they implement KM practices. However, without EO, KM may not have any effect on a company’s Sales Growth, since it needs EO to mediate in such relationship. One of the limitations of this research is that the data collected is mainly from Medellin’s companies. Also, the small sample size of 90 observations may present another limitation. Similar studies from different countries in Latinamerica can be carried out and comparative analyses can be performed with this research in the Colombian context.
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    Behavioral biases under nonlinear pricing: evidence from industry of mobile broadband services in Ecuador
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019-11-11) Vásconez Vásconez, Byron Patricio; Marquina Feldman, Percy Samoel
    A fundamental assumption of rational choice model is that customers most of the time choose the best price that minimizes their expenses, but according the Behavioral Economics optimal consumer decision-making can be affected by multiple types of heuristics or behavioral biases. The purpose of this research was to determine and quantify the joint effect of overconfidence bias, framing bias, choice overload bias and smartphone addiction on the optimal usage under nonlinear pricing applied to mobile broadband customers in Ecuador. The analysis was quantitative, using information collected in the field and matched with billing information of 541 mobile customers. The quantitative research design included two steps. First step involved the construction of scales each behavioral bias (independent latent variables) and non-optimal usage (dependent variable); second step involved the estimation of relationship of independent variables with dependent variable. Findings evidenced that 71% mobile broadband customers deviated from the optimal level of use contracted under nonlinear pricing plan (naïve customers). Empirical results found that customers who demonstrated a certain degree of overconfidence bias, framing bias, smartphone addiction, and choice overload bias are more prone to choose wrongly their nonlinear pricing, under/overusing the minimum data allowance including in the plan. The results have important implications for business management, because if mobile firms can identify “naïve consumers” could take advantage from complex nonlinear pricing to maximize profits. For social perspective, the first concern should be the recognition of phenomena of behavioral bias is high enough in customers and can become a market failure under specific conditions, harming customers in particular women and aged users.
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    Influence of perceived risk and brand equity on purchasing intention in the Colombian soluble coffee category
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019-09-17) González Gil, Elsa María; Arias Bolzmann, Leopoldo Gabriel Ignacio
    Different authors have defined purchase intention when a person makes a statement as to whether to buy, or not a product. It has been considered an important indicator in marketing management to project sales of new and existing products (Armstrong, Morwitz, & Kumar, 2000; Huy & Ottar, 2012). The purpose of the research was to identify how using all the set of variables of brand equity and perceived risk could influence purchase intention within soluble coffee consumers in Colombia, using attitude as a mediating variable. The city selected for this research was Bogotá D.C., and the category selected was soluble coffee. The sample size was 927 people and the sample error was 3.2% with 99% level of confidence. The research type was probabilistic, and it used a proportional stratified sample. In order to answer the research proposed questions, three steps were carried out, (a) exploratory factor analysis, (b) confirmatory factor analysis and, (c) structural equations model where seven hypotheses were tested. The initial model considered six latent variables on perceived risk and brand equity each; however, the final model included five variables on brand equity and four on perceived risk. The results obtained, confirmed the influence of attitude as a mediating variable between brand equity and perceived risk on purchase intention within consumers of soluble coffee in the city of Bogotá D. C. Purchase intention was explained by the direct effect of attitude variable and the indirect effects of perceived risk and brand equity. In addition, it also explained the indirect effects that perceived risk has on attitude through brand equity. The variables of brand equity and perceived risk used in the model show that, the effect is much greater when they are included, as joint independent variables. The model also was able to test the significance and positive influence of attitude as a mediating variable between perceived risk and brand equity, on purchase intention. The results obtained from this research showed a very good consistency between each variable and their corresponding items used for each.
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    Un tema de actitudes: descripción de la relación entre las estructuras de la teoría del comportamiento planificado (TCP) y la intención de uso de las redes sociales por parte de los millennials para la búsqueda de empleo
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019-09-05) Lucero Romero, Fausto Giovanny; Doe, John J.
    El problema fundamental que motivó la presente investigación tiene que ver con el crecimiento de la población juvenil, en particular de la generación de Millennials, quienes enfrentan grandes dificultades para ingresar al mercado laboral puesto que la disponibilidad de puestos de trabajo no ha crecido al mismo ritmo que la población. El estudio trata sobre la manera cómo los Millennials de países emergentes utilizan las redes sociales en línea (RSL) LinkedIn, Facebook y Twitter para la búsqueda de empleo (BDE). La investigación fue de carácter cuantitativo, descriptivo y transversal, se basó en la teoría de comportamiento planificado de Izek Ajzen (1991). Para la evaluación del modelo teórico, se aplicó el análisis estructural mediante el programa AMOS Graphics versión 21. Se determinó que los Millennials de países emergentes presentan comportamientos diferenciados a aquéllos de países desarrollados en donde se les ha catalogado como nativos digitales, altamente influenciables por medios sociales. Los Millennials de países emergentes dependen únicamente de la actitud como variable significativa relativa al uso de las RSL para la BDE. La enseñanza primordial que la presente investigación ofrece a la sociedad es que fomentar las actitudes reflexivas por parte de los Millennials hacia cualquier objetivo o iniciativa que se busque implementar es crucial para obtener su compromiso y colaboración.
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    Impacto de la eco-innovación en el desempeño de las empresas: una evaluación cuantitativa
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019-03-27) Barriga, Holger R.; Guevara Moncada, Rubén
    En la actualidad, las empresas interactúan en un entorno cada vez más dinámico y competitivo, donde la innovación y la eco-innovación son consideradas componentes esenciales de la estrategia. De manera particular, la eco-innovación impulsa el desarrollo sostenible de las empresas y busca mejorar su desempeño. En este sentido, la presente investigación se enfocó en explicar empíricamente el impacto de la eco-innovación en el desempeño de las empresas. Por esta razón, esta investigación adoptó un enfoque cuantitativo, explicativo, no experimental de corte transversal. Específicamente, se estudió el impacto que tienen la eco-innovación organizacional, de proceso y de producto en el desempeño medioambiental y en el desempeño de mercado y financiero de empresas manufactureras. El estudio fue realizado en el contexto de países en vías de desarrollo y utilizó una muestra de 214 empresas manufactureras localizadas en Colombia, Ecuador y Perú. El análisis estadístico de los datos fue realizado mediante un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales estimado por máxima verosimilitud. Los resultados sugieren que únicamente la ecoinnovación organizacional y la eco-innovación de proceso tiene un impacto directo positivo y significativo tanto en el desempeño medioambiental como en el desempeño de mercado y financiero de las empresas manufactureras, mientras la eco-innovación de producto no lo tiene. Asimismo, otro de los principales hallazgos es que la eco-innovación organizacional tiene un impacto indirecto y significativo en la eco-innovación de producto, en el desempeño medioambiental y en el desempeño de mercado y financiero. Finalmente, la eco-innovación de proceso no tiene un impacto indirecto y significativo en los dos tipos de desempeño indicados.
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    The role of institutions in a regional innovation system and their impact on the innovation performance of organizations within the quadruple helix.
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019-03-27) Ortega, Ana M.; Pino Jordan, Ricardo Miguel
    Among the critical issues facing policy and decision makers is how to improve the regional innovation systems (RISs), as such improvement enhances the development of organizational innovative capacities, encourages innovation performance (IP), and consequently helps achieve sustainable economic development. Results of the present study allowed the construction of the institutional map of an RIS, for understanding the role of formal and informal institutions that compose the institutional framework, which enable or hinder the IP within the organizations of the quadruple helix. The RIS of Medellin was used as an instrumental case study, and the research was conducted using a qualitative, cross-sectional design, semi-structured interviews as data collection method and thematic analysis as data processing method. Research findings remark the importance of innovation supportive culture, as the main informal institution affecting the IP, as well as the crucial role of the investment, incubation and acceleration of innovation projects, through formal institutional mechanisms enabled by private and public actors. Collaboration and interaction are the rationale behind the existence of an RIS; reason why when analyzing the institutions of an RIS it is logical to find that many of them are related to these particular factors. Findings also suggest that informal institutions exert a greater influence over the IP of organizations in an RIS, than formal ones, but both types of institutions are very important, and should be complementary.
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    Variables that determine the market value of a high-performance soccer player
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019-01-28) Serna Rodríguez, Maribel; Coad, Alexander Jean – Luc
    The research question of this study was identify the variables that determine the market value of a high-performance soccer player, in the five major leagues around the world (Premier League, Bundesliga, LaLiga, Serie A and Ligue 1). The research question allowed to establish a hierarchy-of-hypotheses (see Table 1). Consequently, there are nine major hypothesis, 45 sub-hypothesis, and 20 sub-sub-hypothesis. The sample was conformed by 335 soccer players for the main five soccer leagues, distributed according to the proportional affixation for random stratified sampling. . The information for 45 control variables and the endogenous variable for 335 ssocer players was collected from the website that is an online community (crowd wisdom). The 45 control variables that arised from the literature systematic review had having to be grouped in these major major hypotheses (smaller clusters or groups). For this purpose, these variables was categorized in talent indicators and external variables. Through this categorization, the 45 control variables were grouped together in five clusters according to the similarity between them. Finally, nine smaller clusters or groups were formed using divisive hierarchical clusters according to the dissimilarity between the variables. More variables had to be incorporated for some groups because the operationalization process for six variables generated other variables. In that order was structured a hierarchy-of-hypotheses (HoH), 45 variables take place to nine major hypothesis (groups), 45 sub-hypothesis (variables that belong for each group), and 20 subsub-hypothesis (levels of each variable). To answer the research question taking into account model uncertainty (variable selection) in a framework with 35 billion potential models, it was used a hedonic regression framework, and implement Bayesian model averaging (BMA) through Markov vii chain Monte Carlo model composition (����3 ). To deal with endogeneity issues, instrumental variable Bayesian model averaging (IVBMA) was implemented as well. In the latter case, the potential endogeneity between Market value and Performance was addressed using Performance as an instrumental variable and Coach and Change of team as instruments. Using the BMA mechanism, there is evidence to support the sub-hypothesis H1m (PIP=1.000), H3a (PIP=1.000), H5c (PIP=1.000), H6b (PIP=1.000), H1b (PIP=0.993), and H3c (PIP=0.992). Therefore, four variables (Performance, National team, Age, Goals, and Recognition under-21) are a value-drivers that generate a positive effect on the market value of the soccer player; and one variable (Age squared) is a negative value-driver that generates a negative effect on the market value of the soccer player. Using the IVBMA mechanism, there is evidence to support the sub-hypothesis H1m (PIP=1.000), H3a (PIP=1.000), H5c (PIP=1.000), H6b (PIP=1.000), H3e (PIP=0.997), and the sub-sub-hypothesis H7b1 (PIP=1.000). Therefore, four variables (Performance, National team, Age, First division, and Recognition under-21) are a value-drivers that generate a positive effect on the market value of the soccer player; and one variable (Age squared) is a negative value-driver that generates a negative effect on the market value of the soccer player.
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    Factores que influyen en la producción de investigación de los docentes universitarios. Caso de Ecuador, Perú y Colombia.
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2018-10-17) Armijos Valdivieso, Pablo Ramiro; Avolio Alecchi, Beatrice Elcira
    Las investigaciones relacionadas con los factores que influyen en la producción individual de publicaciones en revistas arbitradas generalmente incluyen las características individuales de los investigadores y las circunstancias del entorno en que estos se desenvuelven. El presente estudio propone evaluar de manera particular los componentes que inciden en la producción de investigación individual de los docentes universitarios de los países de Ecuador, Perú y Colombia, a través de un modelo de producción de artículos de impacto, planteando como variables explicativas: la producción anterior de los docentes-investigadores, sus características individuales y factores institucionales del entorno en que se desenvuelven. Los resultados demuestran que el hecho de tener producidos con anterioridad artículos arbitrados es el principal factor que explica la realización individual posterior de investigaciones. Además, las características individuales edad y rango académico y los factores institucionales tiempo invertido en las actividades de investigación, reconocimiento y recompensas, recursos y liderazgo también tienen una incidencia directa en la producción de investigación. Para el desarrollo de este estudio se utilizó la metodología cuantitativa con empleo de la técnica de regresiones logísticas multinomiales. Las indagaciones practicadas se realizaron a una muestra de docentes universitarios a tiempo completo de universidades radicadas en Ecuador, Perú y Colombia que presentan mejores resultados en publicaciones de artículos indexados en los últimos años.