Administración Estratégica de Empresas (Dr.)

URI permanente para esta colección


Resultados de Búsqueda

Mostrando 1 - 7 de 7
  • Ítem
    Impacto de la eco-innovación en el desempeño de las empresas: una evaluación cuantitativa
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019-03-27) Barriga, Holger R.; Guevara Moncada, Rubén
    En la actualidad, las empresas interactúan en un entorno cada vez más dinámico y competitivo, donde la innovación y la eco-innovación son consideradas componentes esenciales de la estrategia. De manera particular, la eco-innovación impulsa el desarrollo sostenible de las empresas y busca mejorar su desempeño. En este sentido, la presente investigación se enfocó en explicar empíricamente el impacto de la eco-innovación en el desempeño de las empresas. Por esta razón, esta investigación adoptó un enfoque cuantitativo, explicativo, no experimental de corte transversal. Específicamente, se estudió el impacto que tienen la eco-innovación organizacional, de proceso y de producto en el desempeño medioambiental y en el desempeño de mercado y financiero de empresas manufactureras. El estudio fue realizado en el contexto de países en vías de desarrollo y utilizó una muestra de 214 empresas manufactureras localizadas en Colombia, Ecuador y Perú. El análisis estadístico de los datos fue realizado mediante un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales estimado por máxima verosimilitud. Los resultados sugieren que únicamente la ecoinnovación organizacional y la eco-innovación de proceso tiene un impacto directo positivo y significativo tanto en el desempeño medioambiental como en el desempeño de mercado y financiero de las empresas manufactureras, mientras la eco-innovación de producto no lo tiene. Asimismo, otro de los principales hallazgos es que la eco-innovación organizacional tiene un impacto indirecto y significativo en la eco-innovación de producto, en el desempeño medioambiental y en el desempeño de mercado y financiero. Finalmente, la eco-innovación de proceso no tiene un impacto indirecto y significativo en los dos tipos de desempeño indicados.
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    Incidencia de la actitud conductual en las intenciones emprendedoras
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019-03-27) Diez Farhat, Said V.; Guevara Moncada, Rubén
    Las intenciones emprendedoras han sido un tema estudiado con frecuencia por la comunidad científica. La literatura existente expresan argumentos variados, en el cual el tema central es como se determina la intención emprendedora. El presente estudio incluyó tres propósitos específicos. El primero fue explicar la incidencia de la proactividad en las intenciones emprendedoras en los estudiantes de pregrado; el segundo fue explicar la incidencia de la propensión al riesgo en las intenciones emprendedoras en los estudiantes de pregrado y el tercero fue explicar la incidencia de la autoeficacia en las intenciones emprendedoras en los estudiantes de pregrado. La recolección de datos fue realizada en ocho universidades ubicadas en las tres provincias de mayor población, importancia económica y número de estudiantes universitarios en el Ecuador. Mediante el análisis usando modelos de ecuaciones estructurales se demostró que la autoeficacia como factor reflectivo de segundo orden y la proactividad como factor reflectivo unidimensional, tienen una influencia significativa en la intención emprendedora de los estudiantes universitarios de Ecuador.
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    Factores críticos de éxito y sostenibilidad de la manufactura esbelta: validación y mejora del modelo de Sisson y Elshennawy.
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019-03-19) Padilla Fajardo, Jorge Patricio; Guevara Moncada, Rubén
    El tema de la Manufactura Esbelta (ME) ha sido ampliamente estudiado, pero cuando se aborda su éxito y sostenibilidad, las conclusiones de los diferentes estudios difieren porque los investigadores enfocan su análisis desde su propia realidad, esto ha causado confusión y ha provocado que cada organización en la práctica defina su propio camino con el alto riesgo de fracasar. El propósito de la investigación fue validar y mejorar el modelo determinado por Sisson y Elshennawy (2015) y confirmar los factores críticos determinados en su estudio para la implementación exitosa y sostenible de la ME en las empresas de manufactura en un contexto latinoamericano. En este estudio se utilizó el método de estudio de casos, la técnica cualitativa de entrevistas en profundidad y el análisis de documentos para validar las proposiciones definidas en el modelo de referencia, y de esta manera obtener información sobre nuevos factores que fueron importantes para el éxito y sostenibilidad del sistema de la ME en el contexto latinoamericano. Con base en los resultados de la contrastación y consistencia de las proposiciones identificadas a través de los casos, por medio de los modelos definidos en la revisión de la literatura y usando la técnica de coincidencia de patrones se categorizaron las proposiciones encontradas. Como resultado se logró validar y mejorar el modelo definido por Sisson y Elshennawy (2015) para la implementación exitosa y sostenible de la ME en un contexto latinoamericano. De esta manera, se procedió a incorporar en el modelo de referencia que incluye las proposiciones validadas y confirmadas del modelo de Sisson y Elshennawy (2015) y las nuevas proposiciones encontradas. Al final de la investigación se identificaron los siguientes factores: (a) definición de un propósito, (b) la evaluación constante del sistema, (c) la cultura local y adicionalmente una nueva categoría a la cual se le denominó “Gente”, con tres nuevos factores: (a) motivación, creatividad e iniciativa, (b) la actitud mental y (c) el empoderamiento.
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    Theoretical explanation of brand rejuvenation: a substantive theory
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019-02-06) Villegas, Juliana; Guevara Moncada, Rubén
    The purpose of this research study that uses a qualitative approach was to propose an intermediate theory using the Grounded Theory, that would theoretically explain the brand rejuvenation phenomenon. To do this, several criteria were defined that lead to a sample of 18 brands that had undergone a rejuvenation process. As sources of evidence, in depth interviews were held with senior executives that participated in the branding work, as well as a documentary review of the rejuvenation process for each of these brands, an in-depth literature review and an evaluation by 10 experts who compared the aging brand and the rejuvenated brand for each of the 18 cases. After interpreting the primary and secondary data using the Atlas Ti 8 software and comparing its results with scattered knowledge found in the literature review, an intermediate theory emerged, that responded to the study’s questions on three topics: The symptoms of brand aging, the brand rejuvenation intervention process, and the results of brand rejuvenation. This allowed concluding that, to explain the brand rejuvenation process, it is necessary to go back to its causes, understand its motivators and purposes, implement a process for planning, executing and evaluating the rejuvenation phenomenon, and investigating its results. A step-by-step process was also identified that explains how the brand rejuvenation process occurs and that accounts for the reversal of the brand aging process. It was reaffirmed that brand rejuvenation is necessary because it responds to different requirements of the environment, of the firm and to certain strategic marketing goals. Proposals for future studies include proving, quantitatively, the 16 propositions put forward in this research study that provide a theoretical explanation for brand rejuvenation. Another suggestion is to expand the scope with failed cases, other brand taxonomies, or a review of the phenomenon from a demand perspective.
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    Political risk and success factors in public-private partnerships at the subnational level: the case of road infrastructure concessions
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2018-12-06) Mestizo Reyes, Rubén D.; Guevara Moncada, Rubén
    Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) are contractual figures through which the public and private sectors participate together in the provision of public goods and services, with multiple degrees of involvement and allocation of responsibilities, and multiple types of arrangements such as concessions (PPP in Infrastructure Resource Center [PPPIRC], 2015). Thus, an adequate risk distribution among the parties is required to ensure the success of a project. Although there is extensive research to understand risk in PPP at the national level, it has been found that there is a lack of research on the role of political risk and critical success factors coming from subnational spheres, on PPP success. Therefore, the current study related perceptions on political risk, and critical success factors with the probability of success or failure of an infrastructure project performed under concessions at the subnational level. The types of political risk included were: (a) currency inconvertibility, (b) breach of contract, (c) expropriation, (d) political violence, (e) legal and bureaucratic risk, and (f) non-governmental actions. Meanwhile, the critical success factors involved were: (a) favourable economic conditions, (b) available financial markets, (c) effective procurement and (d) government guarantee (Hardcastle et al., 2005). These factors were related through structural equation modelling (SEM). Results showed that both critical success factors and political risk factors were found to have a significant relationship with the success or failure of PPP in infrastructure projects at the subnational levels. There was a statistically significant, positive relationship, between critical success factors and success of public-private partnership infrastructure projects. Furthermore, there was a statistically significant, positive, indirect effect of political risk factors on success, following the idea that properly identified critical success factors and political success factors influence the final outcome of a project at the subnational level. In turn, political risk factors had a statistically significant effect on critical success factors, thus proving the relationship between both constructs found in the literature. These results confirmed the importance of both political risk and critical success factors on PPP success or failure, as well as remarking the need of taking subnational factors into account when dealing with such projects.
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    The relationship between supply chain strategies and supply chain management practices at manufacturing companies
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2018-10-11) Escalante Gómez, Juan Esteban; Guevara Moncada, Rubén
    The purpose of this research was to find the relationship that exists between supply chain strategies and supply chain management practices at manufacturing companies. A sample of 195 firms in Colombia was used. Data analysis was performed in three phases. Initially, an exploratory factor analysis was carried out to identify the dimensions underlying each construct and derive, from the literature, a parsimonious configuration of supply chain management strategies and practices. Then, using a confirmatory factor analysis, internal consistency and degree of fit of the measurement models was evaluated. Finally, a structural equation model was built to test the formulated hypotheses (CMIN/DF=1.865, RMSEA=0.067, CFI=0.884, IFI=0.888, PNFI=0.623). Results in terms of correspondence were dissimilar, as a positive and statistically significant link was found between the constructs lean supply chain strategy and relationship with supply chain partners (H1a, y11=0.750, p<0.01), lean supply chain strategy and information management (H1b, y21=0.705, p<0.01) and between agile supply chain strategy and relationship with supply chain partners (H2a, y12=0.420, p<0.01). However, links between lean supply chain strategy and postponement (H1c, y31=-0.182, p>0.01), agile supply chain strategy and information management (H2b, y22=0.201, p>0.01) and agile supply chain strategy and postponement (H2c, y32=0.227, p>0.01) were not supported by empirical evidence. This allowed concluding that planning and formulating a specific supply chain strategy must involve a joint deployment of the practices appropriate for materializing it and that not all supply chain management practices support fulfilling the goals defined for the chain. For future work, including an analysis of the effect of variables such as demand uncertainty, company size or type of industry in the evaluated relationship is suggested. The importance of longitudinal measurements or evaluations with a qualitative approach to understand the phenomenon being studied is also mentioned.
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    Risk Management and Perception of Coffee Growers
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2018-05-02) Monroy, Gildardo; Guevara Moncada, Rubén
    The current research studied the relationship between risk management by the institutions underlying the Colombian coffee sector and risk perceptions held by Colombian coffee growers from a neo-institutional approach, in order to explain the risk perceptions and individual behaviors of coffee growers and establishing the effect of institutions on risk perception and management of Colombian coffee growers. The research was performed through an explanatory study with a sequential mixed approach, formed by two phases: (a) a qualitative phase characterized by elaboration of taxonomies on the risks Colombian coffee growers are vulnerable to, and on risk management instruments offered by institutions, creating a coffee grower’s profile, sociodemographic features and exploitation scale; and (b) a quantitative stage that developed a Structural Equation Model (SEM), through which the existing relationship between risk management offered by Colombian coffee sector institutions and risk perceptions of Colombian coffee growers was empirically evaluated, by studying risk perceptions from past experiences and the way coffee growers deal with the risk associated to situations they must face, risk attitudes and management strategies. The study concluded that the set of risk management instruments offered by the institutions underlying the coffee sector lower risk exposure of Colombian coffee growers, and also determine their risk management strategies. In addition, the current study showed that adjusting the extended model proposed by Sitkin and Pablo (1992) showed its capacity to capture the relationships observed in the context of the Colombian coffee grower. Finally, the institutions underlying the coffee sectors affect risk perceptions of opportunity or threat situations faced by coffee growers; it is also validated through the existing relationship between the constructs.