Explorando por Autor "Ferrero Álvarez-Calderón, Guillermo"
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Ítem Texto completo enlazado El ajuste de precio en un contrato de compraventa de acciones(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-29) Ferrero Álvarez-Calderón, Guillermo; Mussio González, AlessandroIn this article, the authors highlight the importance of setting the price of shares as a preliminary step for transferring them in the context of corporate mergers and acquisitions.To this end, they analyze the different mechanisms available to the parties to make a price adjustment that makes the valuation reasonable, proportional, and durable. Finally, it is discussed which of these mechanisms is more convenient and efficient for the buyers and sellers, considering the particularities of each one of them.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Mesa Redonda: Reforma de la Ley General De Sociedades en el Perú(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017-09-11) Hundskopf Exebio, Oswaldo; Payet Puccio, José Antonio; Montoya Stahl, Alfonso; Ferrero Álvarez-Calderón, GuillermoHow effective is the current General Corporations Law?. Is it necessary to reform the General Corporations Law? What are the main reforms that must be implemented? Should other laws be amended?.This round table, responds to each of these questions and many more, dealing with many controversial issues in commercial and corporate law.Ítem Texto completo enlazado La valorización de acciones en el ejercicio del derecho de separación de accionistas en una sociedad anónima(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2020-12-21) Ferrero Álvarez-Calderón, GuillermoThe valuation methodology of shares in the exerci-se of the right of separation of a shareholder from the company has generated debate and is treated differently in a number of legislations. In this article, the author analyzes the various methods for the valuation of shares and their treatment in di-fferent countries, making reference to relevant jurisprudence and legislation on the matter.In addition to that, the author enters to the world of corporate finance in order to perform an analysis of Cash Flow at Present Value and the use of that valuation method in new business fields such as technology.