La matriz de capacidades y desempeños (MCD) y el algoritmo del desarrollo humano (ADH)
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Departamento de Economía
Dado que el desarrollo humano es un proceso complejo que tiene múltiples componentes y determinantes, es necesario tener indicadores multidimensionales tales como: la Matriz de Capacidades y Desempeños (MCD) y el Algoritmo del Desarrollo Humano (HDA). El MCF está compuesto de vectores de capacidades y de desempeños, basado en la idea de Sen de desempeños refinados. Está basado en un marco conceptual matricial, tanto estático como dinámico. El propósito principal de la construcción del índice es estudiar cómo diferentes conjuntos de capacidades con desempeños pueden producir distintos resultados. El ADH es un índice multidimensional relacionad con el conjunto de bienes y servicios que se necesitan para completar un ciclo de vida. El ADH es un indicador de contexto socio-económico. Está compuesto de los principales satisfactores o bienes y servicios básicos que se requieren: alimentos, salud, educación, vivienda, seguridad social, empleo decente y sistema de pensiones, que deben estar disponibles durante todo el ciclo de vida. Este indicador muestra el progreso material alcanzado por cada país o región, tanto como la organización institucional pública y privada, y el grado de cohesión social.
Given that human development is a complex process involving multiple components and determining factors, multidimensional indicators are needed. On the basis of the extensive literature on the subject, we advance two new indicators: the Matrix of Capabilities and Functioning (MCF), and the Algorithm of Human Development (HDA). The MCF is composed of vectors of capabilities and functioning’s, based on Sen’s idea of Refined Functioning’s. It is based in a matricial framework. both static and dynamic The main purpose of constructing this index is to study how different sets of capabilities relate to alternative functioning’s, to produce diverse outcomes. The Human Development Algorithm (HAD) is a multidimensional index concerning the set of goods and services needed to complete a life cycle. The HDA is a socio-economic context indicator. It is composed of the main “satisfactory” or basic goods and services needed: food, health, education, housing, social security, decent employment and retirement programs, that might be available to all throughout of life cycle. This indicator shows the material progress reached by each country or region as well the institutional organization, private and public, and the degree of social cohesion and solidarity.
Given that human development is a complex process involving multiple components and determining factors, multidimensional indicators are needed. On the basis of the extensive literature on the subject, we advance two new indicators: the Matrix of Capabilities and Functioning (MCF), and the Algorithm of Human Development (HDA). The MCF is composed of vectors of capabilities and functioning’s, based on Sen’s idea of Refined Functioning’s. It is based in a matricial framework. both static and dynamic The main purpose of constructing this index is to study how different sets of capabilities relate to alternative functioning’s, to produce diverse outcomes. The Human Development Algorithm (HAD) is a multidimensional index concerning the set of goods and services needed to complete a life cycle. The HDA is a socio-economic context indicator. It is composed of the main “satisfactory” or basic goods and services needed: food, health, education, housing, social security, decent employment and retirement programs, that might be available to all throughout of life cycle. This indicator shows the material progress reached by each country or region as well the institutional organization, private and public, and the degree of social cohesion and solidarity.
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