Chuquiray, Javier2019-10-102019-10-102019-06-28 reseña la trayectoria artística conocida del pintor Juan Bautista Planeta (Lima, 1626-1642), dando a conocer información inédita sobre aspectos biográficos —como la confirmación de su procedencia italiana y su ordenación sacerdotal— e histórico-artísticos —como el activo taller que mantuvo hasta poco antes de su muerte. Asimismo, se propone dos atribuciones a su autoría, mediante documentación: la conocida pintura mural de la capilla del capitán Villegas y un boceto de san Jerónimo. El conocimiento de su obra, vinculada al manierismo italiano, contribuye al panorama de la pintura limeña del siglo XVII, tiempo de transición entre el Manierismo y el Barroco.It reviews the known artistic trajectory of the painter Juan Bautista Planeta (Lima, 1626-1642), by giving to know unpublished information about biographical aspects —such as the confirmation of his Italian origin and his priestly ordination— and historical-artistic —such as his workshop that was kept until his death. In addition, it is proposed two attributions to his authorship, with documentation: the mural painting of the chapel of captain Villegas and a sketch of St. Jerome. The knowledge of his work, related to Italian Mannerism, contributes to the panorama of painting from Lima of the seventeenth century, time of transition between Mannerism and Baroque.application/pdfspainfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess Bautista PlanetaTrayectoria artística del pintor Juan Bautista Planeta en Lima. Nuevas noticias y atribuciónArtistic career of the painter Juan Bautista Planeta in Lima. New news and attributioninfo:eu-repo/semantics/article