García Díaz, Jaime A.Pastrana Buelvas, EduardoVera Piñedos, DiegoRocabado Sánchez, José F.Jorge Ramalho, AntonioPérez Henríquez, DiegoBaeza Freer, JaimeEscudero Illanes, María Cristina2017-12-062017-12-062017urn:isbn:978-9972-671-46-3 Network has produced a new publication entitled The Re-configuration of Drug Trafficking in Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru1, which analyzes the evolution and current situation of illicit drug traffick-ing in the abovementioned countries, existing connections with drug trafficking networks in neighboring countries, instances and mechanisms of cooperation with bordering countries, as well as a set of recommendations for strengthen-ing the fight against this serious security threat. A brief summary of the studies that make up this work is presented below.spainfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessáfico de drogas--Andes (Región)Seguridad internacional--Andes (Región)Drogas--Control--Andes (Región)The reconfiguration of drug traffickinginfo:eu-repo/semantics/workingPaper