Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Análisis prototípico de las representaciones sociales de la depresión en mujeres de edad avanzada 

      Camelo, Lana Carine Soares Dias; Fernandes de Araújo, Ludgleydson; de Cerqueira Castro, Jefferson Luís (Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúPE, 2023-07-13)
      This study aimed to apprehend the social representations of depression among elderly women. 64 elderly women participated in the research, divided into two groups, with a mean age of 68.6 years (SD=7.2) and 68.5 (SD=8). ...
    • Memoria colectiva y representaciones sociales de la historia en América, Europa y Palestina 

      Méndez Casas, Lander; Cavalli, Stefano; El-Astal, Sofián; Pizarro Carrasco, José Joaquín Alberto; Padoan Moura, Sonia Geni; Telletxea Artzamendi, Saioa; Páez Rovira, Darío Alexander (Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúPE, 2023-07-14)
      This article reviews and synthesizes 10 free-recall studies on collective memory carried out in Latin America, Europe, and Palestine. Results show the high prevalence of the topics of politics, collective violence and ...