Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Conocimiento y prácticas sobre manejo de residuos sólidos en estudiantes de una universidad pública del Perú 

      Urure Velazco, Isabel Natividad; Pacheco Villa García, Luisa Antonia; Llerena Ururi, Karen Leticia; Berrocal Pacheco, Pedro Luis (Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúPE, 2024-09-13)
      Solid waste management is a problem common to all institutions and also to the university. The objective was to determine the level of knowledge and practices on solid waste management in university students from a public ...
    • Impacto de la toxicidad de los residuos sólidos generados por plaguicidas 

      Elias Estremadoyro, Diego Fernando (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Instituto de Ciencias de la Naturaleza, Territorio y Energías Renovables (INTE-PUCP)PE, 2022-05-26)
      This article is a bibliographic review of investigations on the toxicity exposure of a diversity of non-target organisms due to different concentrations of pesticides used in crops, but that can somehow impact certain ...