Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Masonry infilled frame structures: state-of-the-art review of numerical modelling
This paper presents a state-of-the-art review of the nonlinear modelling techniques available today for describing the structural behaviour of masonry infills and their interaction with frame structures subjected to in-plane ...
Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of a Full-Scale Unreinforced Adobe Model
This paper describes the results of a numerical study of a full-scale adobe building model tested on a shaking table. Material properties of adobe masonry were calibrated to represent the wall in-plane seismic behavior, ...
Alternative approach for reproducing the in-plane behaviour of rubble stone walls
Stone masonry is one of the oldest construction types due to the natural and free availability of stones and the relatively easy construction. Since stone masonry is brittle, it is also very vulnerable and in the case of ...
Numerical simulation of an adobe wall under in-plane loading
Adobe is one of the oldest construction materials that is still used in many seismic countries, and different construction techniques are found around the world. The adobe material is characterized as a brittle material; ...