Departamento Académico de Ingeniería
URI permanente para esta comunidad
Ítem Acceso Abierto 25 años transformando energía, mejorando vidas(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Departamento Académico de Ingeniería, 2017) Departamento de Ingeniería¡Felicitamos al Grupo de Apoyo al Sector Rural PUCP por sus 25 años! Estamos orgullosos de que sean parte de nuestra unidad.Ítem Acceso Abierto 3er Encuentro de Investigación 2017: Exposición de los avances más recientes de los docentes e investigadores del Departamento de Ingeniería(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Departamento Académico de Ingeniería, 2018) Departamento Académico de IngenieríaAbstracts de Papers con los avances más significativos de los docentes e investigadores del Departamento de Ingeniería del año 2017.Ítem Acceso Abierto A Scenario-Based Model for the Study of Collaboration in Construction(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Facultad de Arte y Diseño, 2021) Garcia, Alejandro; Murguia, Danny; Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúThe construction sector has been widely criticized for its low productivity, fragmented structure, and adversarial relationships. To address these problems, some industry actors are adopting innovations such as lean construction, digital technologies, and collaborative contracts. However, these transformative innovations are underpinned by inter organizational collaboration within complex supply chain networks. Understanding collaboration in theory and practice is a difficult task. Therefore, this study aims to investigate factors influencing collaboration and develop a model for inter-organizational collaboration. To achieve this aim, first, a literature review on collaboration in construction was conducted. Second, qualitative data were collected via semi-structured interviews using the critical incident technique. Third, data were deductively and inductively analyzed using thematic nodes. Data showed that collaboration can be classified into four dimensions: trust, project uncertainty management, client’s operational capability, and business relationships. Finally, an empirical framework was constructed using the scenario technique. Client attributes and Supply Chain Capabilities were found to be the most influential and uncertain factors. Based on these, four collaboration scenarios were developed and assessed with illustrative implications derived from the empirical data. The scenario-based model would provide a further understanding of inter-organizational collaboration within supply chains and would aid Lean Construction practitioners to develop collaborative relationships.Ítem Acceso Abierto Alternative approach for reproducing the in-plane behaviour of rubble stone walls(2017) Tarque, Nicola; Camata, Guido; Benedetti, Andrea; Spacone, EnricoStone masonry is one of the oldest construction types due to the natural and free availability of stones and the relatively easy construction. Since stone masonry is brittle, it is also very vulnerable and in the case of earthquakes damage, collapses and causalities are very likely to occur, as it has been seen during the last Italian earthquake in Amatrice in 2016. In the recent years, some researchers have performed experimental tests to improve the knowledge of the behaviour of stone masonry. Concurrently, there is the need to reproduce the seismic behaviour of these structures by numerical approaches, also in consideration of the high cost of experimental tests. In this work, an alternative simplified procedure to numerically reproduce the diagonal compression and shear compression tests on a rubble stone masonry is proposed within the finite element method. The proposed procedure represents the stone units as rigid bodies and the mortar as a plastic material with compression and tension inelastic behaviour calibrated based on parametric studies. The validation of the proposed model was verified by comparison with experimental data. The advantage of this simplified methodology is the use of a limited number of degrees of freedom which allows the reduction of the computational time, which leaves the possibility to carry out parametric studies that consider different wall configurations.Ítem Acceso Abierto Applying CBA to Decide the Best Excavation Method: Scenario During the Covid-19 Pandemic(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Facultad de Arte y Diseño, 2021) Espinoza, Lisseth R.; Brioso, Xavier; Herrera, Rodrigo F.; Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúOn January 30 of 2020, The World Health Organization declared the pandemic crisis as the first public emergency with international importance. Because of this, many building projects were paralyzed since then and the building industry experienced changes that have brought the inclusion of new tools to achieve the objectives of the projects. The purpose of the present paper is to present the application of Choosing By Advantages (CBA) methodology to select the best alternative in the material removal system in the execution of basements in a project that was paralyzed by the health emergency COVID 19. CBA is a lean tool used to make decisions with clarity and transparency and in this case is used to consider the constraints of COVID-19 protocol to guide in decisions making. This methodology was applied to a case study for a building project in the basement construction phase that restarts its activities in the excavations. For that, an expert panel was formed to analyze and decide the best alternative solution. Finally, the selected alternative was implemented on-site, validating the methodology. It is concluded that CBA is an excellent tool to transparently document the selection process of the removal system. Additionally, this methodology allows including activities regarding the COVID-19 protocol, without affecting the project's productivity.Ítem Acceso Abierto Building constructions characteristics and mechanical properties of confined masonry walls in San Miguel (Puno-Peru)(2022) Tarque, Nicola; Pancca-Calsin, ErikaHouse self-construction and self-management are very common in different cities in Peru, which is the case in several areas in the district of San Miguel (Puno). This is due to the lack of financial resources to hire professionals to design and construct their houses. Therefore, many residents build without technical guidance and materials without quality standards. As a result, the buildings in the area have various construction pathologies that demonstrate their high seismic vulnerability, which indicates that the guidelines established in the Peruvian Masonry Design Code NTE 070 are not followed. Therefore, as a first step towards evaluating the seismic vulnerability of the houses in San Miguel, it was decided to evaluate the construction pathologies and typologies by conducting a survey. Subsequently, to characterize and evaluate the physical-mechanical properties of the masonry walls, 24 piles and 24 small walls were built and tested. The materials tested were obtained from the urban area of the same study place. According to the experimental tests, it was observed that the axial compression and diagonal shear values of the prisms are lower than the minimum values specified in the Peruvian Construction Code, and this would increase the seismic vulnerability of the constructions. Therefore, many of the houses in the district could suffer significant damage and even collapse in a seismic event.Ítem Acceso Abierto CABER 2017(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Departamento Académico de Ingeniería, 2017) Departamento de IngenieríaCABER 2017: 1er Congreso de Energías Renovables y Arquitectura Bioclimática. Grupo de Apoyo al Sector Rural PUCPÍtem Acceso Abierto Centro de I+D en Ingeniería de Sistemas - PUCP(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Departamento Académico de Ingeniería, 2017) Departamento de IngenieríaNuestra Universidad Católica (PUCP) cuenta con un Centro de I+D en Ingeniería de Sistemas autorizado por Concytec. Gracias a ello, podemos desarrollar proyectos con empresas innovadoras bajo la Ley 30309, Ley de Promoción de la Investigación Científica, Desarrollo Tecnológico e Innovación Tecnológica.Ítem Acceso Abierto Centro de Investigación Científica en Ciencias de la Computación PUCP(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Departamento Académico de Ingeniería, 2017) Departamento de IngenieríaLa PUCP es autorizada para operar como Centro de Investigación Científica y Desarrollo Tecnológico en la disciplina de Ciencias de la Computación.Ítem Acceso Abierto Cetam Centro de I+D+i Departamento de Ingeniería(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Departamento Académico de Ingeniería, 2017) Departamento de IngenieríaLa PUCP ahora cuenta con un Centro de Investigación en Robótica y Control Automático autorizado por Concytec. Esto significa que las empresas que efectúen gastos en proyectos de (I+D+i) podrán acceder a la deducción del 175%, si lo realizan mediante un centro de (I+D+i) como lo es Cetam.Ítem Acceso Abierto Challenges of Virtual Design and Construction Implementation in Public Projects(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Facultad de Arte y Diseño, 2021) Prado Lujan, Guillermo; Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúThe Peruvian AEC industry has started implementing VDC and BIM in public projects due to recent regulations that state the progressive adoption of BIM (as a methodology) in public construction. Regardless of the benefits of these new approaches, some challenges to VDC implementation have emerged as a response to the resistance to change of the Peruvian AEC industry, which is stronger in the Peruvian public sector. The aim of this paper is to present the challenges found in the author´s VDC implementation experience in a public project, as part of the third VDC Certificate Program in Lima lead by CIFE from Stanford University. These challenges will be identified based on a schema, constructed by the literature review. The results show that the main challenges found are the lack of commitment and the lack of collaboration between stakeholders. These results suggest the need to overcome this resistant-to-change environment by focusing on training programs and conducting capability assessments within public institutions before start implementing VDC, so more benefits will be achieved by the Peruvian public institutions.Ítem Acceso Abierto D-Lab(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Departamento Académico de Ingeniería, 2017) Departamento de IngenieríaProyecto SANILAB del grupo D-Lab Innovación Inclusiva. Uno de los 14 grupos de investigación de nuestro DepartamentoÍtem Acceso Abierto Deforestación(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Departamento Académico de Ingeniería. Ingenio al Aire, 2016) Departamento de IngenieríaTercer programa de "Ingenio al aire", el programa de radio del Departamento de Ingeniería de la PUCP. Tema:Deforestación. Conductores:Victoria Ramírez y Miguel Hadzich. Invitado:Alexis Dueñas Se habla sobre la deforestación en el país, los indices de contaminación, gestión de territorio y la perdida de regiones forestales.Ítem Acceso Abierto El Departamento de Ingeniería y los Comités Técnicos del Estado(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Departamento Académico de Ingeniería, 2017) Montenegro Mont, EymiContribución al país de los docentes del Departamento de Ingeniería, a través de la elaboración de las Normas Técnicas de distintos organismos vinculados al Estado. Esta publicación quiere reconocer el importante aporte de nuestros profesores a la sociedad, una de las formas del Departamento de Ingeniería que vincula de manera efectiva y permanente con su entorno.Ítem Acceso Abierto Desarrollo de Aplicaciones en Perú(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Departamento Académico de Ingeniería. Ingenio al Aire, 2016) Departamento de IngenieríaSegundo programa de "Ingenio al aire", el programa de radio del Departamento de Ingeniería de la PUCP. Tema:Desarrollo de aplicaciones (apps) en Perú.Conductores:Victoria Ramírez y Ángelo Velarde.Invitado:Jorge Azáldegui Desarrollo de aplicaciones, diseño de ideas de negocio, productos mínimos viables y definición de la parte gráfica que comprende al aplicativo.Ítem Acceso Abierto Detección de cáncer de mama(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Departamento Académico de Ingeniería. Ingenio al Aire, 2016) Departamento de IngenieríaQuinto programa de "Ingenio al aire", el programa de radio del Departamento de Ingeniería de la PUCP. Tema: Detección de cáncer de mama. Conductores: Ángelo Velarde y Claudia Zapata. Invitado: Roberto Lavarello Se habla sobre la detección del cáncer de mama que es el segundo más frecuente en mujeres peruanas.Ítem Acceso Abierto Development of a Fragility Model for the Residential Building Stock in South America(2017) Villar-Vega, Mabé; Silva, Vitor; Crowley, Helen; Yepes, Catalina; Tarque, Nicola; Acevedo, Ana Beatriz; Hube, Matías A. A.; Gustavo, Coronel D.; Santa María, HernánSouth America—in particular, the Andean countries—are exposed to high levels of seismic hazard, which, when combined with the elevated concentration of population and properties, has led to an alarming potential for human and economic losses. Although several fragility models have been developed in recent decades for South America, and occasionally used in probabilistic risk analysis, these models have been developed using distinct methodologies and assumptions, which renders any direct comparison of the results across countries questionable, and thus application at a regional level unreliable. This publication aims at obtaining a uniform fragility model for the most representative building classes in the Andean region, for large-scale risk analysis. To this end, sets of single-degree-of-freedom oscillators were created and subjected to a series of ground motion records using nonlinear time history analyses, and the resulting damage distributions were used to derive sets of fragility functions.Ítem Acceso Abierto Development of fragility curves for confined masonry buildings in Lima, Peru(2018) Lovon, Holger; Tarque, Nicola; Silva, Vitor; Yepes-Estrada, CatalinaThis paper aims at investigating the seismic fragility of confined masonry (CM) structures in Lima, Peru, which can be used to perform earthquake scenarios at urban scale. A database describing the geometric properties (walls density, building area, height) of this type of structure was developed using data from field surveys. This information was complemented with results from experimental tests to compute a large set of capacity curves using a mechanical procedure. These models were tested against a set of ground motion records using the displacement-based earthquake loss assessment (DBELA) procedure, and the structural responses were used to derive fragility functions for four building classes. The resulting fragility curves were convoluted with seismic hazard curves to evaluate the annualized expected loss ratio and annual collapse probability.Ítem Acceso Abierto Displacement-Based Fragility Curves for Seismic Assessment of Adobe Buildings in Cusco, Peru(2012) Tarque, Nicola; Crowley, Helen; Pinho, Rui; Varumd, HumbertoThe seismic vulnerability of single-story adobe dwellings located in Cusco, Peru, is studied based on a mechanics-based procedure, which considers the analysis of in-plane and out-of-plane failure mechanisms of walls. The capacity of each dwelling is expressed as a function of its displacement capacity and period of vibration and is evaluated for different limit states to damage. The seismic demand has been obtained from several displacement response spectral shapes. From the comparison of the capacity with the demand, probabilities of failure have been obtained for different PGA values. The results indicate that fragility curves in terms of PGA are strongly influenced by the response spectrum shape; however, this is not the case for the derivation of fragility curves in terms of limit state spectral displacement. Finally, fragility curves for dwellings located in Pisco, Peru, were computed and the probabilities of failure were compared with the data obtained from the 2007 Peruvian earthquake.Ítem Desconocido Entrevista a Julio Vargas: Nueva norma E.080(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Departamento Académico de Ingeniería, 2017) Departamento de IngenieríaEntrevistamos a nuestro docente e investigador Julio Vargas Neumann sobre la reciente modificación de la Norma E.080 sobre Difusión Norma de Diseño y Construcción con Tierra Reforzada.