
URI permanente para esta comunidadhttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14657/181320

ISSN: 0254-9239
e-ISSN: 2223-3768

Fundada en 1977, Lexis es una de las principales revistas de lingüística y literatura que se publican en Hispanoamérica. La revista acoge trabajos originales en los diversos campos de la lingüística, de la teoría y crítica literarias, de la hispanística y de los estudios amerindios.

La revista se publica dos veces al año, en julio y diciembre. En la sección Normas para autores se incluyen las normas de redacción para la presentación de las colaboraciones.


Resultados de búsqueda

Mostrando 1 - 4 de 4
  • Ítem
    ¿Cuántas lenguas quechuas hay? Una estimación del número de lenguas quechuas
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-07-14) Camacho Rios, Gladys; Floyd, Simeon; Julca Guerrero, Félix
    If the practice of referring to a single “Quechua language” is incorrect because it does not acknowledge the many distinct “Quechuan languages” spoken in the Andean countries, then how many are there? In this study we propose an approximate number based on an application of the most relevant criteria for the distinction between languages/dialects to the Quechuanist literature: (1) degree of mutual intelligibility, (2) phonological-morphosyntactic similarity, (3) lexical correspondence, (4) sociolinguistic perspectives, and (5) geographic fragmentation. Adding up each region individually, we arrive at a total of approximately 12~17 languages. This result highlights the diversity of the Quechuan family as much for linguistics as for public and community policies, which would be more successful if instead of promoting standardization, they valued this diversity.
  • Ítem
    Un análisis del ordenamiento y alomorfía en la flexión verbal del quechua ayacuchano desde la morfología distribuida
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-06-30) Martel Paredes, Víctor Arturo
    This article presents a new approach to the (re)ordering of SUBJECT and OBJECT morphemes in verb agreement of Ayacuchan Quechua. Our analysis is based on Distributed Morphology (Halle and Marantz 1993), which proposes operations on morphemes in the morphological component. We conclude that the addressee feature of the second-person OBJECT morpheme –nki «wins» when it comes to specificity and, therefore, it appears in a SUBJECT position, which results in the occurrence of –yki as an allomorph and the appearance of –su. Finally, we propose the occurrence of –su as a transitional defective morpheme, which cannot be considered as a third or second person pronoun.
  • Ítem
    La formación del quechua ecuatoriano: una nueva hipótesis
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-12-15) Itier, César
    Since the studies of Alfredo Torero, Ecuadorian-Colombian Quechua is often considered to come from a variety that was formerly spoken on the central coast of Peru and introduced into Ecuador through maritime trade long before the formation of the Inca empire. Based on a dialectal comparison and an examination of historical sources, we refute this thesis and show that Northern Quechua is the product of a strong influence of Cuzco Quechua on the speech of the North Peruvian settlers that were brought by the Incas into Ecuador. Finally, this case study leads us to question the genetic classification of Quechua dialects proposed by Torero.
  • Ítem
    Los ejemplos en las artes de la lengua quechua (siglos XVI-XVIII): primera aproximación
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-12-15) Segovia Gordillo, Ana
    This article explores the examples of the Quechua grammars composed between 1560 and 1753: a total of nine missionary arts. It analyses the marking of the examples, their topics, their function and their origin so that, on the one hand, it brings to light the links that exist between the grammars of this tradition and, on the other hand, it connects the examples used by the missionaries with the didactic and evangelizing purposes of these grammatical texts. To this end, this paper focuses on the analysis of the chapters related to nouns.