Boletín de Arqueología PUCP. Núm. 17 (2013)

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Tabla de Contenido

  • Nuevas evidencias y nuevas perspectivas sobre la cultura Paracas: una introducción Dulanto, Jalh; Bachir Bacha, Aïcha; 5-8

  • Artículos
  • Arquitectura, urbanismo y transformaciones territoriales del Período Paracas en el valle de Chincha Canziani, José; 9-29
  • Paracas en el valle de Chincha: nuevos datos y explicaciones Tantaleán, Henry; Stanish, Charles; Zegarra, Michiel; Pérez, Kelita; Nigra, Ben; 31-56
  • Evidencias paracas en los valles de Pisco y Mala Balbuena Cotlear, Lucía; 57-75
  • Topará en Pisco: patrón de asentamiento y paisaje Peters, Ann; 77-101
  • Puerto Nuevo: redes de intercambio a larga distancia durante la primera mitad del primer mileno antes de nuestra era Dulanto, Jalh; 103-132
  • Disco Verde: 50 años después de Frédéric Engel: la primera temporada de excavaciones del Proyecto de Investigaciónes Arqueológicas Paracas en el sitio Dulanto, Jahl; Accinelli, Aldo; 133-150
  • Geoglifos paracas de la costa sur: Cerro Lechuza y Cerro Pico García Soto, Rubén; 151-168
  • ¿Hacia un urbanismo paracas en Ánimas Altas/Ánimas Bajas (valle de Ica)? Bachir Bacha, Aïcha; Llanos, Daniel; 169-204
  • La sustancia y el contexto de las ofrendas rituales de la cerámica paracas DeLeonardis, Lisa; 205-229
  • Jauranga: una aproximación a la ocupación paracas en los valles de Palpa Reindel, Markus; Isla, Johny; 231-262
  • Paracas y Chavín: variaciones sobre un tema longevo Kaulicke, Peter; 263-289
  • Avances recientes en perspectiva. Algunos comentarios finales Kaulicke, Peter; 291-300
  • Explorar

    Resultados de Búsqueda

    Mostrando 1 - 3 de 3
    • Ítem
      Paracas en el valle de Chincha: nuevos datos y explicaciones
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2013) Tantaleán, Henry; Stanish, Charles; Zegarra, Michiel; Pérez, Kelita; Nigra, Ben
      This article summarizes and discusses the results of our recent archaeological research in the middle valley of Chincha duringthe Late Paracas period (circa 400 BC-100 BC). We present archaeological data (architecture, geoglyphs, ceramics, textiles, etc.)recovered from research on sites in the middle valley in the area including to Cerro del Gentil and the El Mono archaeologicalcomplex. These data, along with previous work by colleagues in the last two generations, allow us to propose new perspectives about development of social complexity in this southern Peruvian coastal valley.
    • Ítem
      Jauranga: una aproximación a la ocupación paracas en los valles de Palpa
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2013) Reindel, Markus; Isla, Johny
      The excavations in Jauranga revealed a sequence of archaeological contexts distributed over a stratigraphy with a depth of morethan three meters. Within this stratigraphy we found the remains of numerous adobe walls pertaining to structures of a settlement dating to the Middle and Late Paracas periods. Forty nine funerary contexts from different phases of the Paracas culture were embedded in the stratified layers and structural remains. Furthermore, we recorded 31 intrusive burials of the Nasca culture.The stratigraphic analysis of the structural remains in their relation to the associated artifacts and non-artifactual finds, the ty- pological analysis of the ceramic artifacts from the stratified layers and from the burial contexts, as well as numerous radiocarbon dates allowed us for the first time to establish a chronological ordering of the developmental phases of the Paracas culture based on stratigraphic contexts. The results of these analyses helped to confirm the validity of the results of the stylistic seriation of the Paracas ceramics from the Ica valley published by Menzel, Rowe and Dawson in 1964. Based on the stratigraphic evidence recorded in Jauranga, we discuss aspects of chronology, type and function of the site, as well as their implications for the local and regional archaeological contexts.
    • Ítem
      ¿Hacia un urbanismo paracas en Ánimas Altas/Ánimas Bajas (valle de Ica)?
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2013) Bachir Bacha, Aïcha; Llanos, Daniel
      Since 2009, within the framework of the Ánimas Altas Archaeological Program in Ica, Peru — under the direction of the au-thors — systematic excavations have been carried out in the Ánimas Altas/Ánimas Bajas archaeological complex, the center ofthe Paracas culture in the lower Ica valley. To date, the project has documented public-ceremonial architecture as well as domesticand production areas. Additionally, excavations have revealed evidence of pyramidal complexes contiguous to plazas, one smallpyramid housing an elite tomb decorated with a mural frieze, and remnants of dwellings and storage areas.In this article, we attempt to understand the function that Ánimas had during its prehispanic occupation, using data from recent excavations at the site. Our analysis draws on a wide range of material culture categories to facilitate reflections on the concepts of ‘city’ and ‘territory’ in the Andes, enriching our understanding of the process of prehispanic urbanism, a widely debated concept among Andeanists. Thus, we explore the meaning of the stylistic and technological heterogeneity observde in some types of materialamong Andeanists. Thus, we explore the meaning of the stylistic and technological heterogeneity observde in some types of materia culture, positing the idea that this heterogeneity reflects social and territorial dynamics, rather than mere diachronic variation.