Anthropologica. Vol. 39 Núm. 47 (2021)
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Tabla de Contenido
Vejeces latinoamericanas y el impacto del COVID-19 en las personas adultas mayor
Pueblos indigenas en aislamiento y contacto inicial
Masculinidades en el Perú y América Latina
Testimonios para la historia de la antropología
Ítem Texto completo enlazado Aislados y «des-aislados» (in)voluntarios a través de sus lenguas: dos casos aparentemente opuestos(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-12-29) Camargo Souza, Livia; Franchetto, BrunaThis paper consists of two first-person reports of linguists working in the documentation of endangered languages. We narrate two opposite situations: that of Guató, a language with only two speakers, survivors of a long process of colonization, and that of the language spoken by the Xinane people, a monolingual recently-contacted group.We make use of these two examples to problematize the concept of "isolation": the Xinane situation is, in fact, one of de-isolation (contact), carefully planned and executed by young people, after three generations of isolation motivated by white violence. Vicente, on the other hand, one of the two last rememberers of the guató language can be more literally characterized as one of voluntary isolation, despite the 400 years of contact of his fragmented people. We also discuss the challenges of creating fieldwork methodologies in these two extremely contrastive contexts of language vitality.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Cabellos y barbas: narrativas de hombres de clase media alta limeña(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-12-30) Kogan, LiubaIn this paper we explore the hair and beard grooming narratives of fourteen upper-middle-class men aged between 27 and 40 years from Lima, as well as those of barbers and barbershop managers. We conduct in-depth interviews and analyze their thematic and interpretive content, questioning to what extent the focus on male appearance elucidates gender, race and class relations. We find that the interviewees use various strategies to avoid being feminized by their interest in grooming. At the same time, the subjects seek to match their hairstyle and/or beard with their clothing and body type in order to appear well turned-out; in Peru, this practice is strongly linked to racial, gender and class narratives.Ítem Texto completo enlazado COVID-19 y Personas mayores: representaciones sociales en el Ministerio de Salud de Chile(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-12-29) Salazar Norambuena, CarolaSocial representations are a set of ideas, practices and ideals that are part of the common sense of a group. Generally, the study of older adults’representations is conducted by looking at the media, however, this research incorporates a key agent in the health/ disease /care processes: the Ministry of Health. The main objective of this article is to identify older adults’ representations found in the Chilean Ministry of Health (MINSAL) news portal website during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. Using framing analysis, four types of frames were found: age sub-groups, terms for referring to older adults, risk group and social solidarity. These four framesshare some ageist qualities, that is, they have a biased view of older people, representing them as a homogeneous, dependent and without agency group, since other people speak for them.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Efectos colaterales del COVID-19: el cuidado del adulto mayor en el hogar(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-12-29) Matassini, SilvanaThis article discusses the collateral effects of COVID-19 concerning the care of the elderly population who belong to the social security of Peru (EsSalud) and who were confined to their homes. A case study was conducted on the effect of the pandemic in older adults who used to attend an elderly care center (CAM). Semi-structured interviews were carried out via the telephone with the participants. The study showed that the pandemic caused changes in their homes and dynamics. PAMs are supported and cared for by their closest relatives, usually those who share the same household. However, weaknesses in the health system and social protection work could significantly harm this population group with less robust support networks. The main side effects of the pandemic in the PAM are related to their recreational activities since they have been paralyzed, causing feelings of frustration and boredom. The current pandemic still requires constant care and safety to avoid putting the general population at risk. However, it is crucial to consider the effect of the social isolation on people’s health. Joint work between the insured, families and EsSalud will guarantee better prevention and care strategies.Ítem Texto completo enlazado En memoria: nota necrológica Billie Jean Isbell 1937-2021(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-12-30) Allen, CatherineBillie Jean poseía una enorme joie de vivre que le permitió superar la pobreza de la infancia y la mala salud de toda la vida con gracia y buen humor. Vivía con estilo, generosidad y un gran sentido de la diversión. Sus amigos recordarán durante mucho tiempo su espectacular jardín, su deliciosa cocina y las tardes que pasaban conversando en su casa cerca de Ithaca. Fue una etnógrafa consumada y se distinguió en estudios andinos. Su libro To Defend Ourselves: Ecology and Ritual in an Andean Village (1978) un estudio de la vida ritual, parentesco, organización sociopolítica, migración urbana y la política en la comunidad de Chuschi, Perú se ha convertido en un clásico, publicado varias veces y traducidoal español: Para defendernos: ecología y ritual en un pueblo andino (Centro de Estudios Rurales Bartolomé de las Casas, 2007).Ítem Texto completo enlazado Estereotipos sobre el envejecimiento entre profesionales de salud en Chile: una exploración en tiempos de pandemia(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-12-29) Bozanic Leal, Agnieszka; Ortiz Ruiz, FranciscaThis article evaluates the explicit negative and positive stereotypes about aging among health professionals considering the presence of COVID-19. The context of structural inequalities for older people made the pandemic a promoter of those precarizations, which is relevant to consider for further studies. This research is descriptive and cross-sectional, with 378 surveys answered in May 2020, 308 health professionals from Chile were evaluated. The Aging Image Scale (Levy et al., 2004) was used, after cross-cultural validation and evaluation of the metric properties for this context, which generated the construction of an index. The results show that health professionals have a specific image of aging, highlighting positive stereotypes (capable, active, wise, positive, caring, family-centered) over negative stereotypes (wrinkled, slow walking and sick). It is concluded that there are some indicators of age discrimination among health professionals, according to the attributes of those who responded. Thus, useful information is provided on discrimination against the ageing population in Chile during the pandemic.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Jürgen Golte: el último viaje(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-12-30) Golte Adams, MelissaCuando partió sentí un gran vacío, que sé que es compartido con todos quienes lo extrañan. En este escrito no pretendo cubrir todos los ámbitos de su vida académica ni de su biografía, pero sí contar pequeños momentos de su recorrido por esta tierra. Retratar un poco más la calidad de persona que fue Jürgen Golte. Su carácter e ímpetu científico marcaron positivamente la vida de mucha gente. De algún modo las conversaciones gratas y los debates argumentativos han pasado al ámbito de los libros, y desde ellos podremos seguir conversando con él, leyendo y pensando. Yo lo imagino surcando los caminos a través del mundo de arriba y el mundo de abajo en un barco de totora con Quismique, resolviendo todas las dudas pendientes. Encontrándose de nuevo con aquellos seres amadosque partieron antes. A nosotros, aquí en el mundo de los vivos, nos queda la misión de seguir leyéndolo y recordándolo. Seguir investigando para conversar, dialogar y desarrollar con el conocimiento que creó.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Mujeres y activistas: construyendo vejeces en narrativas patchwork(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-12-29) Mazzucchelli, Nicole; Reyes Espejo, María IsabelDiscourses on the aging of older women have focused on the problems and difficulties they face, omitting the recognition of their resources and potential. This research reports the results of a research that rescues the meanings of aging of women activists of the Agrupación Bordadoras por la Memoria embroiderers’ group for memory, in Chile. From feminist gerontology and narrative perspective, we produce patchwork narratives that offer new versions of being older. The results show the emergence of narratives on pandemic old age, gender distinctions, the wisdom acquired at this stage, and their experience of aging from political action, questioning the characteristics with which old women are traditionally described. It is concluded that the exercise of construction and questioning that the participants carry out in front of their own old age from their associative experience, allows them to tense and dispute positions, transgressing the normative representation of hegemonic old age.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Notas botánicas sobre aislamiento y contacto. Plantas y vestigios hi-merimã (río Purús/ Amazonía brasileña)(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-12-29) Cangussu, Daniel; Shiratori, Karen; Furquim, LauraIn order to recover, even partially, the memory of the intense relations that existed among the different Arawá people in the middle Purus region, this article explores, through the intertwining of human and plant life, the sociality that was broken, the stories that were once shared, but also the bonds that are still flourishing in the forests. The forester science, attentive to plants and anthropic vestiges present in the forests, shows unsuspected ways to analyze the complex relationships between the Hi-Merimã, who are now in isolation, and their neighbors, especially the Jamamadi. In this text, we propose an analysis of the narrative of an encounter through notes that demonstrate the centrality and fecundity of plants for the understanding of Hi-Merimã sociality and territorial dynamics. The notes are based on bibliographic data from anthropological, archeological and botanical studies, as well as information obtained from the indigenous peoples and river communities in the area.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Nükak: los contactos, el Estado y la atención en salud en el norte de la Amazonía colombiana(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-12-30) Peña Riveros, Kelly JohanaOne of the fundamental reasons why the Nükak people contacted the mainstream society is biomedical health care and over time it continues to be one of their primary vulnerabilities. Various legal actions during the last thirty years have called the attention of the Colombian State to the need for a differentiated service model. In this article we will investigate the historical context of said care during their contact process in order to contextualize some demands and needs for the analysis and implementation of this model, recognizing the various forms of care that subjects seek from a relational approach.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Onkeno: género y el surgimento de los caciques korubo en el valle del Yavarí(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-12-30) Oliveira Silva, JulianaThis article examines how the notion of «cacique», introduced through interethnic contact, has been appropriated by the Korubo, speakers of the Pano linguistic family and inhabitants of the Vale do Javari Indigenous Territory, state of Amazonas, in the Brazilian Amazon. Based on the first ethnographic research carried out among the Korubo, it investigates transformations in gender relations that were driven by the interethnic contact with the Brazilian State and indigenous agencies. The article argues that, in the context of this relationship, there is a misunderstanding between the non-indigenous concept of «cacique» and certain authority figures in the daily life of Korubo villages.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Pandemia, envejecimiento y políticas públicas en América Latina. Apuntes teóricos para pensar el problema de las vejeces desiguales desde los enfoques del curso de vida y de la economía política del envejecimiento(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-12-29) Marzioni, Sofía ClarisaThe pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus highlighted the diversity and inequality among older people in Latin American countries. From what theoretical frameworks is it possible to undertake its analysis? How to do it from the specificities of the region? What is the role played by the State and public and social policies? This article arises from the conviction that it is necessary to review the analytical frameworks used to understand aging. It is proposed to problematize unequal old age by reviewing and articulating some theoretical premises of two approaches, that of the life course and that of the political economy of aging. It is argued that these allow a better grasp of the complexity of social reality, nurturing more accurate diagnoses about the situation and problems of the elderly in the region, which can serve as a starting point for the design of new policies and to question the potentialities and limits of existing ones.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Las personas mayores durante la Pandemia COVID-19: políticas públicas y acceso a las tecnologías de la información y comunicación en Argentina(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-12-29) Pochintesta, Paula Analía; Oddone, María JulietaThe elderly are part of a society defined by technology acceleration, communication and information. These transformations happen at a rapid pace, making a big impact in the life of senior citizens. Our premise is to consider older people as active subjects in full exercise of their rights, to whom digital inclusion is also a part of social inclusion. The objective of this paper is, on the one hand, to carry out a content analysis of the policies implemented in Argentina regarding digital inclusion, including: level of coverage and survey of possible existing gaps. On the other hand, data from a national survey on access to resources and use of information and communication technologies by the elderly are analyzed. The conclusions show that there are significant gaps in both access to resources and frequency of use. Regarding national public policies on the subject, we observed that the pandemic showed that there was no strategic plan for the achievement of a policy of inclusion of the elderly in the new technologies.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Una política «a medio camino». Reflexiones sobre la política para pueblos indígenas de contacto reciente en Brasil(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-12-30) Jabur, ClarisseThe policy for indigenous peoples of recent contact (PIRC) in Brazil is under construction. Although the guidelines for post-contact periods were present at other moments in government policy, they did not free indigenous peoples from cruel fates such as massacres, epidemics, andtotal extermination. Only after the policy change in 1987 were health measures included in post-contact actions and other actions with an educational bias. In recent years, there have been some advances in internal regulations related to various public policies, highlighting the publication of joint ordinance MS / FUNAI No. 4.094 on health care for indigenous peoples of recent contact. Likewise, the first Territorial and Environmental Management Plans (PGTA) have been formulated by indigenous peoples of recent contact in Brazil. This policy is still «half way» and has some challenges to consolidate.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Presentación: Dossier Pensando en el contacto inicial(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-12-29) Rodríguez Alzza, Carolina; Espinosa, Óscar; Opas, Minna; Torres Espinoza, Luis FelipeEn los años recientes, hemos presenciado un creciente interés de la academia sobre los pueblos indígenas en aislamiento y contacto inicial, a través de la producción y discusión etnográfica. Asimismo, varios de los Estados que integran la cuenca amazónica también han venido desarrollando políticas para la defensa de sus derechos. El contexto de la pandemia por el COVID-19, además, ha permitido que las sociedades nacionales de estos países vivan, por primera vez, la experiencia de muerte y desestructuración social que han enfrentado los pueblos indígenas de la Amazonía durante siglos y que llevaron a muchos de estos a tomar distancia y decidir aislarse.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Presentación: Dossier Vejeces latinoamericanas y el impacto del COVID-19 en las personas adultas mayores(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-12-29) Ramos Bonilla, Gabriela; Zegarra Chiappori, MagdalenaLa población mayor de sesenta años está creciendo en el mundo a un ritmo más veloz que el resto de segmentos poblacionales. Según datos de las Naciones Unidas (2019)1, la proporción de personas adultas mayores en adelante PAM se duplicará entre los años 2000 y 2050, cuando subirá del 11% al 22% de la población total del planeta. Esto en números absolutos implicaría que este grupo de edad se incrementará de 605 millones a 2000 millones en el transcurso de medio siglo. Este fenómeno denominado envejecimiento poblacional, que consiste en el incremento del número y proporción de personas de sesenta años a más y en la disminución de los grupos de edades más jóvenes es una de lasrevoluciones demográficas más importantes de nuestros tiempos. A pesar de que este proceso se considera una expresión del desarrollo económico, social y científico, también impone importantes desafíos sociales, políticos y económicos para las sociedades e individuos alrededor del mundo.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Profundización del olvido de las personas mayores institucionalizadas durante la primera pandemia del siglo XXI(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-12-29) Arcos Miranda, Evaristo; Echeverría González, María del RocíoThe disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 hit the world at the end of 2019, but it was in 2020 when it reached Latin America, and it did so severely. Faced with its imminent overflow, health systems prescribed confinement as a central measure to prevent its spread and, above all, to protect vulnerable populations. This article deals with this emerging issue, under the assumption that distancing measures would accentuate the family forgetfulness of the elderly, especially those who are in the last stage of life as inmates. From a qualitative approach, the impact of the phenomenon on the family relationships of the elderly in a residence located in Alto Balsas, Guerrero was analyzed, detecting that the calamity accentuated filial detachment towards them, and concluding that, regardless of the current socio-sanitary circumstances, the institutionalized experience an alarming stage of family forgetfulness.Ítem Texto completo enlazado ¿Qué es la cultura frente a la historia? Glosas sobre los trabajos de Jürgen Golte(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-12-30) Diez, AlejandroTuve la fortuna de conocer a Jürgen Golte a lo largo de más de un cuarto de siglo. Como estudiante de antropología, como joven egresado, como profesor o como simple colega, pude interactuar con él en conferencias, congresos, seminarios, coloquios académicos en la Universidad Católica, en San Marcos, en el IEP o en Clacso. Recuerdo claramente la primera vez que lo vi comentar la presentación de un conocido académico en un evento del IEP hace más de treinta años: mientras asimilaba sus demoledoras críticas, agradecía mentalmente que no hubiera leído mi trabajo. Crítico agudo y habitualmente acertado era Jürgen. Por supuesto, no siempre tuve la misma suerte. En cualquier caso, se puede decir con total certeza que siempre era muy interesante escucharlo, tanto en sus presentaciones como en sus comentarios académicos y sus conversaciones casuales. También es muy interesante leerlo. Ha dejado un largo legado de trabajos de investigación a lo largo de más de cinco décadas, desde sus primeros trabajos históricos sobre los Andes hasta los últimos sobre la iconografía moche, y seguramente tenía aún varios otros textos en camino, por lo menos alguno sobre la iconografía de Tiahuanaco-Wari, anunciado por él mismo. Propongo en este artículo una breve guía de lectura y un recorrido por algunos de sus principales estudios. Sin ser exhaustivo —sino más bien intencionalmente selectivo— procuro un recorrido analítico sobre los que considero sus principales aportes al conocimiento de las realidades peruanas y al desarrollo de la antropología en el Perú. Revisar y reseñar los trabajos de Jürgen Golte no es una tarea sencilla. No solo por lo abundante de su bibliografía, sino por la forma como ha ido distribuyendo y decantando ideas, conceptos, intuiciones y certezas en distintos trabajos a lo largo del tiempo; reiterando algunas ideas en distintos textos. Proporcionando claves distintas y originales, sus estudios nos enseñan tanto sobre la realidad «antropológica» peruana como sobre métodos y postulados para el análisis.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Una revisión sistemática de literatura sobre la violencia contra mujeres mayores en América Latina y el Caribe: ¿se ha alcanzado una perspectiva interseccional?(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-12-29) Ramos Bonilla, GabrielaThis article makes a critical and systematic review of 72 qualitative and quantitative studies related to the subject of violence against older women (VOW) in LAC between the years 2000 and 2020. It aims to evaluate to what extent they have managed to analyse this phenom- enon using an intersectional approach —as a gender— and age-based problem simultaneously and the gaps, limitations and main findings of this body of research. This review shows that this subject’s study has been dominated by the conceptual frameworks of «elder abuse» and «violence against women» (VAW). They approached this subject through a medical perspective and quantitative methodologies and failed to fully understand it since they addressed violence in a frag- mented way. In comparison, a novel group of studies carried out by social researchers through the conceptual framework of «intersectionality» approached violence from a life-course and phenomenological perspective. This research concludes that even though intersectional studies are still scarce in LAC, they show great potential to reveal the cumulative nature of violence, the interconnection between different lifetime experiences of abuse, to explore older women’s belief systems, their daily experiences of abuse, dilemmas, barriers and strategies for seeking help. This framework will allow the construction of theory inductively and grounded on contextualised evidence is a powerful weapon to confront former theoretical frameworks.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Sororidad entre mujeres mayores en Santiago de Chile. Un análisis a la luz de la gerontología feminista(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-12-29) Gómez-Rubio, Constanza AlejandraRecent studies address the relationships between women within self-managed organizations of older people. For this reason, this qualitative research analyzes the discourses of older women inSantiago of Chile, around the relationships they establish between them, within self-managed community organizations, and the relationship they build with their own old age. 18 interviews were conducted with older women between 2016 and 2019, which were analyzed through critical discourse analysis. The results referred to three topics: the relevance of the collective in female old age, the practices of resistance against the control of the Church and the State, and the fact of being old women. The discourse of mutual support and sisterhood are keys to understanding their relationships. The importance of producing female role models of old age, serving the younger generations of women, is highlighted.