(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019-10-15) Sotomayor Trelles, Enrique; Atay Calla, Fiorella
This article proposes a general overview on the complex and multidimensional relationship between human rights and environment issues. However, this relationship requires adetachment from a strictly state-centered perspective, to incorporate enterprises in the interaction that makes it possible to carry out economic activities in a sustainable environment.The paper contains two major sections: a first one that proposes an approach to the research problem from the Inter-American System for the Protection of Human Rights, perspective regarding the recent Advisory Opinion OC-23/17 of the Inter-American Human Rights Court. Moreover, a second section adopts the perspective of public policies to analyze the interrelation between human rights and the environment, and, specifically, through the analysis of three public policies: the National Plan of Environmental Action 2011- 2021, the National Human Rights Plan 2018-2021 and the future National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019-10-15) Reyes Asencio, Antuanet
The recent Environmental Protection Regulation for Mining Exploration Activities has brought with it a sequence of modifications and technical classifications in the stages of the mining activity that directly aff ect the issuance of mining licenses.In this article, the author seeks to analyze and explain if these modifications contribute to the dynamism of the mining exploration activity and generate a friendly regulation for both the investor and the environment.