Diagnóstico del estado de la gestión con enfoque de RSE en empresas del sector comercio de alimentos en la provincia de Cusco
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo principal diagnosticar el estado de la
gestión con enfoque de responsabilidad social empresarial (RSE) en empresas del sector
comercio de alimentos en la provincia de Cusco en 2016. La investigación se encuentra
enmarcada de acuerdo al Modelo de RSE Perú 2021 que a su vez se fundamenta en los
diferentes conceptos, principios, y estándares de gestión de RSE propuesta por organismos
internacionales. La obtención de los datos se obtuvo mediante la aplicación de la herramienta
de autoevaluación Indicadores Ethos-Perú 2021. Los objetivos específicos de la presente
investigación fueron conocer el estado de gestión con enfoque de RSE respecto a los
siguientes grupos de interés: (a) accionistas, (b) colaboradores, (c) clientes y consumidores,
(d) proveedores, (e) medio ambiente, (f) comunidad y gobierno.
La investigación ha sido desarrollada desde un enfoque cuantitativo. Se optó por el
nivel descriptivo de investigación y un diseño no experimental transeccional, debido a la
naturaleza de los objetivos del estudio. La población estuvo integrada por todas las pequeñas
y medianas empresas del sector comercio de alimentos de la provincia de Cusco, y el
muestreo fue no probabilístico.
Los resultados demostraron que la gestión con enfoque de RSE se encontró en una
etapa intermedia en prácticas de RSE (Etapa 2). Esto significó que las empresas mantuvieron
una postura defensiva sobre los temas, pero ya empezaron a realizar cambios y avances
respecto a la conformidad de sus prácticas. Se debe resaltar que los ejecutivos de las
empresas del sector comercio de alimentos centraron sus acciones de RSE en los temas de
consumidores y clientes; valores, transparencia y gobierno corporativo, público interno, y
proveedores. Por otra parte, dieron menor importancia a los temas de gobierno y sociedad,
medio ambiente, y comunidad
The main objective of the present investigation is to diagnose the state of management with a corporate social responsibility (CSR) approach in companies in the food trade sector in the province of Cusco in 2016. The research is framed according to the CSR Model Peru 2021 Which in turn is based on the different concepts, principles, and standards of CSR management proposed by international organizations. Data collection was obtained through the application of the self-assessment tool Ethos-Peru Indicators 2021. The specific objectives of this research were to know the management status with a CSR approach to the following stakeholders: (a) shareholders, (b) employees, (c) customers and consumers, (d) suppliers, (e) environment, and (f) community and government. Research has been developed from a quantitative approach. We chose the descriptive level of research and a non-experimental transectional design, due to the nature of the objectives of the study. The population was composed of all the small and medium enterprises of the food trade sector of the province of Cusco, and the sampling was nonprobabilistic. The results showed that management with a CSR approach was found at an intermediate stage in CSR practices (Stage 2). This meant that the companies kept a defensive stance on the issues, but already began to make changes and advances regarding the conformity of their practices. It should be noted that the executives of companies in the food trade sector focused their CSR actions on consumer and customer issues; values, transparency and corporate governance, internal public, and suppliers. On the other hand they gave less importance to the issues of Government and society, environment, and community
The main objective of the present investigation is to diagnose the state of management with a corporate social responsibility (CSR) approach in companies in the food trade sector in the province of Cusco in 2016. The research is framed according to the CSR Model Peru 2021 Which in turn is based on the different concepts, principles, and standards of CSR management proposed by international organizations. Data collection was obtained through the application of the self-assessment tool Ethos-Peru Indicators 2021. The specific objectives of this research were to know the management status with a CSR approach to the following stakeholders: (a) shareholders, (b) employees, (c) customers and consumers, (d) suppliers, (e) environment, and (f) community and government. Research has been developed from a quantitative approach. We chose the descriptive level of research and a non-experimental transectional design, due to the nature of the objectives of the study. The population was composed of all the small and medium enterprises of the food trade sector of the province of Cusco, and the sampling was nonprobabilistic. The results showed that management with a CSR approach was found at an intermediate stage in CSR practices (Stage 2). This meant that the companies kept a defensive stance on the issues, but already began to make changes and advances regarding the conformity of their practices. It should be noted that the executives of companies in the food trade sector focused their CSR actions on consumer and customer issues; values, transparency and corporate governance, internal public, and suppliers. On the other hand they gave less importance to the issues of Government and society, environment, and community
Palabras clave
Responsabilidad social de las empresas, Investigación cuantitativa, Alimentos -- Industria y comercio -- Perú -- Cusco
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