Planeamiento estratégico del departamento del Meta
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El presente plan estratégico está enfocado en el Departamento del Meta, estableciendo
como visión que en el año 2032 el departamento será un referente nacional de la competitividad,
fundamentándose en los pilares de la educación, salud, e innovación tecnológica, impulsado por
el desarrollo de las actividades económicas del sector agropecuario y de turismo, generando así
mayores beneficios a su población.
El óptimo aprovechamiento de los potenciales de desarrollo del país, y la reducción de los
desequilibrios regionales exige el uso de instrumentos potentes, como la planificación estratégica
con visión de largo plazo, que permita a las entidades territoriales posicionarse de manera
competitiva en los escenarios nacionales e internacionales y constituirse en autogestores de su
futuro, a través de la consolidación del proceso de descentralización.
El Departamento del Meta se encuentra en un proceso de mejora de su competitividad,
entendida esta como la capacidad de organización para tener una economía y sociedad, cuyo
desarrollo se considera atractivo en términos de crecimiento y competencia económica.
Desde dicha perspectiva, el reto que se impone el plan estratégico consiste en lograr
movilizar las potencialidades y ventajas comparativas locales para elevar la productividad y
competitividad, simultáneamente con la multiplicación de los efectos sobre el mejoramiento de
la calidad de vida y la sustentabilidad ambiental. De tal manera que se pueda transformar el
crecimiento en desarrollo sostenible con una integración equilibrada del territorio departamental,
basada en los preceptos de la nueva geografía económica
The present strategic plan is focused on the Department of Meta, establishing as vision that by 2032 the department will be a national benchmark of competitiveness, based on the pillars of education, health, and technological innovation, driven by the development of Economic activities of the agricultural and tourism sector, thus generating greater benefits to its population. The optimum utilization of the country's development potential and the reduction of regional imbalances require the use of powerful instruments, such as strategic planning with a long-term vision that allows the territorial entities to position themselves competitively in the national and International organizations and to become self-managers of their future, through the consolidation of the decentralization process. The Department of Meta is in a process of improving its competitiveness, understood as the organizational capacity to have an economy and society whose development is considered attractive in terms of growth and economic competition. From that perspective, the challenge imposed by the strategic plan is to mobilize the local potential and comparative advantages to increase productivity and competitiveness, simultaneously with the multiplication of the effects on the improvement of quality of life and environmental sustainability. In such a way that growth can be transformed into sustainable development with a balanced integration of the departmental territory, based on the precepts of the new economic geography
The present strategic plan is focused on the Department of Meta, establishing as vision that by 2032 the department will be a national benchmark of competitiveness, based on the pillars of education, health, and technological innovation, driven by the development of Economic activities of the agricultural and tourism sector, thus generating greater benefits to its population. The optimum utilization of the country's development potential and the reduction of regional imbalances require the use of powerful instruments, such as strategic planning with a long-term vision that allows the territorial entities to position themselves competitively in the national and International organizations and to become self-managers of their future, through the consolidation of the decentralization process. The Department of Meta is in a process of improving its competitiveness, understood as the organizational capacity to have an economy and society whose development is considered attractive in terms of growth and economic competition. From that perspective, the challenge imposed by the strategic plan is to mobilize the local potential and comparative advantages to increase productivity and competitiveness, simultaneously with the multiplication of the effects on the improvement of quality of life and environmental sustainability. In such a way that growth can be transformed into sustainable development with a balanced integration of the departmental territory, based on the precepts of the new economic geography
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